Capter 17

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"Ehm... I... I am not sure. I am sorry. Let me talk with Sean about this, alright?", She asked

" It's alright!" Rebecca said 

" Shall I drive... or do you want to?" she asks

"I drive. It's alright.", Lana said nodding.

They drove back almost in silence

 "Ehm....i am going to search for Sean to give him his coffee.

" Ehm... Yeah...", Lana said.

 "see you later okay?", Lana asked

 " I am ok!" she replied and mumbled " Shit" between her teeths " Lana knows! I ask her about her wedding!" she wrote to a contact named Fred.

"How did she react?", Fred asked

 " I don't know yet... but she asks me if you used me!" she added

 "I would have asked the same. She needs time. Honestly. Give her time, she will understand, sweetheart. Lana wouldn't judge. She just needs time to adjust."

" She said she will asks Sean!" she wrote back and nodded for his reply

 "Leave her her time.", Fred answered

 " Yes Fred I know her almost as good as you tranquil!" she wrote back and though about Lana In the meantime Lana went to Sean

"Hey... You look a bit pale. You okay?", Sean asked, watching his girls 'play' a bit in a playpen

" Well... Bex just told me which person she want to bring to our wedding!" she added dryly

 " It's Fred! She fell in love with Fred!" she hissed not knowing if she should be insecure or angry

Sean sighed, taking his coffee from Lana."...yeah...i...i found out about them when he visit in the hospital... Bud did she really dared to ask if he ca come?!? Of course he cannot!!" Sean said determinant

 " Actually she did the contrary... she secured me that everything will be as I demanded" she sighted

" You know what is the bad thing in this whole chase... that I feel these two really fell in love accidently and he want to be a better man AND they take everything they get and make the best out of it!" she sighted

"Yeah... I know...i felt the same way. Even though I don't like it at all.", Sean said.

" Tell me about it..." she sighted

"Bex knew that it was... Wrong and I believe her when she said that she wanted to basically go there just to yell at him. 

But she said she couldn't. Because she saw that he wanted to change....", Sean said with a sigh.

" She said she isn't CARITAS!" Lana added sighting

 "What does that mean?", Sean asked

" That means... she isn't helping everyone randomly and she isn't helping him!" she explained

 "I see... Yeah... That's good. I hope she knows what she is doing.", Sean sighed.

" I fear she does! And kill me for  this... but I considered inviting him!" she sighted

"Lana... No... You can't. You're mom will literally kill him if I am not faster than her.", Sean said

" So you want to kill your own fiancée..." she raised her eyebrows

"What no? I said I will kill HIM, if your mother is not faster than me.", Sean explained

" I would do it for Bex... omg I am doing it right?..." she looked at him scared

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