Capter 2

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Both of them didn't knew a thing when they woke up the next morning, completely hungover.
Lana rolled around in her bad, snuggling against Seans chest, not realizing that it wasn't Fred at first.

" Fred..." she mumbled and found this closeness kind of weird since he was totally on distance in the last months

"Mhh?", Sean groaned, putting his hand to his head. "Fuck my head hurts like hell.", he said more to himself.

" Sean!" Lana shouted and woke up fully

" Oh my goodness what happened... you are not Fred!" she was so confused and unfortunately also naked

"Not so loud!", he groaned out with a wince.

Lana on the other hand, parted herself from Sean immediately, taking the blanket with her.Sean groaned again when the cold reached his body, only realizing now that he was naked as well.

"Oh shit.", he said when memories from last night hit him. He didn't regret at all what they did, but now he kind of has to face the consequences.

He quickly put a pillow in front of his mid section, giving an apologizing grin to Lana.

" Sean... stop it... It's nothing I didn't see last night... I suppose. And I think we are adult enough to handle this like adults... I just... have to figure out... how!" she let out a long breath and smiled at him also in apology.

" So we slept with each other no? Nothing I never fantasied...o gosh... forget it! Forget it!" she whispered in horror and stood up fastly so that her body was also exposed in front of him
"Ehhh...", Sean had to swallow when he actually saw her body again, trying to focus on her face to not be rude.

"Yeah... We slept with each other. More than once I can remember.", he said, trying to sort out his thoughts.

"You fantasied about that? Really?", he grinned like an idiot.

" Cut the crap idiot!" she huffed and grinned also.

" i fantasised about it! But last night was more than I ever dared to dream of!" she smiled dreaming and was lost in her thoughts completely when she went to take on her clothes hoping he would stop her to do so

Sean sighed as he looked at her. "Normally I shouldn't let you do this. I should carry you back to bed... But... It would be right. We're still married..."

" Should you?" she asks grinning and smirked and sat down at the bed.

" Sean we already went to the dark side, so it doesn't matter if we stop now or not!" she whispered but cursed herself immediately

She should not want this.

She shouldn't enjoy the trill of taking him completely sober and at the morning after

"You're going to be my end, woman.", he said before climbing up to her completely eagerly

" I prefer to be your beginning!" She huffed and kissed him back

She groaned as he covered her body and it was as clear as that Lana played Regina in Ouat that they would do it again.

Sean managed to push his thoughts away, giving himself fully to the woman in front of him, even though he knew that this would have to be the last time.

They just enjoyed with each other until they collapsed against each other another time, breathing hard.

" This was... this was even better than last night" Lana mumbled and let her hand travel in his hear softly

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