Evolution (Part 1)

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After meeting the one known as Ares one of the holy churchs top three you began training trying to reach greater heights as your larger and muscular form became the normal for everyone.

[Fn] P.O.V

It had been a week since my training began and in that time I have managed nothing no change but I continue my training as the memories flash in my mind as I punch a hole through a specially made punching bag to with stand my vampire strength. *Ares is so far ahead and that power to him I was nothing and to make things worse he is going to keep killing monsters* I thought as I feel a hand rest against my large back as I look over my shoulder and see Rose with a smile and a glass of animal blood. "Thank you" I say as I slowly saver the red liquid running down my throught as Rose could only chuckle.

"[Fn] you should really rest being a vampire might mean you don't need sleep but it's still not healthy" Rose told me as I look at her before sitting down. "I know it's not but what else can I do monsters are being hunted and now we have three gods that show no mercy towards those who fail" I tell her as she sat next to me as I look at her smile. "The world has many problems but you don't need to fight them alone" Rose told me as I rub my eyes before walking out the room.

As I was walking I looked outside and saw how much people had changed in this short time vampire, werewolves and humans working together as I smile as Leo comes and stands next to me. "We are make changes so tell me brother why are you so stessed" Leo asked as I could see the concern in his eyes as I just look at our people. "It's just this Tri-faction is set on destroying everything we are trying to build but after meeting Ares I was shook to my core that is why I must get stronger to protect them" I tell Leo as I notice Sherry and Rose walking over to use as I smile before the four of us head to the meeting room to discuss a plan.

"Ok this is what we are going to do first thing is train our villagers to defend themselves should the holy church break through" I tell them as I see Leo looking a little confused by this. "[Fn] I understand where your coming from but from you've told us about this Tri-faction the villagers wouldn't stand a chance" Leo said as everyone got the same thought. "I know that which is why we will face the Tri-faction since the four of us have magic" I tell them to put them at ease but the tension was still high as I feel a sudden sting hit me in the chest which caught Leo, Rose and Sherry off guard.

"[Fn] are you alright" Sherry asked as I was sweating like crazy and burning up like I was being cooked in an oven. "I don't know why but I don't feel good" I say before finally collapsing to the floor as they all run next to me. "Rose don't touch him" Leo said as he picked me up and his arms begin to smoke as if he had red hot metal pressed against them as he carried me to my room and lays me on my bed.

"We need to find out what's wrong Sherry you stay with him while me and Rose look in the library" Leo says as he and Rose leaves but Sherry could only look at me struggling to breath as she takes hold of my hand but fights the pain.

In [Fn]'s Mind:

"Hello" I say as I'm walking through a white void as my words echo. As I look at the endless void as a voice speaks causing me to turn around and see my father Dracula. "I must say you never stop causing me worry do you" Dracula said as he smiled at me as I hug him tight.

"Dad what is this place" I asked but he had no answer as this was new even to him as a second person appears but this one looked like me only darker and colder. "Got to say your not very impressive but allow me inside and you will gain power unlike any other" Dark [Fn] said as I watch him smile like a crazy person as my father placed a hand on my shoulder. "Listen son this person may look like you but he's not" Dracula says as the dark version of me took note of his words.

"Your right I'm not him I'm his evolution after all you knew this was coming since the day she sealed me away but now I'm free" Dark [Fn] says as I look at my father who looked a little worried as I step in front of him. "I don't understand what is this all about and who is she" I asked as the dark me looked at my father as he looked sad. "It's your mother who sealed this part away but it was done for a reason after you were born his darkness manifested itself so to protect you she sealed your magic away but after you unlocked it and then after absorbing Ares's magic this part of your soul was released" Dracula says as I look at the dark version of me who nods proving this was true.

"You get it now they limited you made you weak but after all these years we can be whole again" Dark [Fn] say as I look at the both of them and back away slightly. "No just being near you I can tell there is no good in your heart to let you out would only bring harm which is why I will force you to surrender to me in battle winner gains control" I tell him as this dark verion of me smiled as my father could only watch since he knew this was how it was going to end.

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