Holy War (part 4) Final battle

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The final battle of our story takes place at some old ruins as Zues and [Fn] stand a part watching for the slightest movement.

"As a god it is my job to protect this world from darkness so allow me to end your life quickly so you won't suffer" Zues says I ready to fight showing I was not going down without a fight. I rushed at Zues who just stood there not even caring at the fact I was on the attack but I soon gave him a punch to the face but he just stood there what's more he did move an inch. "Was that a punch I didn't even feel it" Zues tells me as I go for a kick but just like my punch he did even move an inch as I jump back.

"If that is your best then this will not last long I don't even need my magic" Zues said as I watch him walk with such pressure surrounding him I was frozen in place as I see him raise his fist ready to slam it down on to me. I break out of my fear and avoid his punch but just grazing me cut my cheek as I see him look at me. "Why do you fight" Zues asked as I saw in his eyes a serious question as I look at him.

"For a dream that I will make reality" I tell him as I notice a change as he asked another question. "What dream" Zues asked as I simply smirk. "To bring peace between humans and monsters" I told him as I rush at himbut this time he catched my punch and tossed me away before rushing at me himself as I block his punch but the force sent me crashing through some stone walls.

"A dream like that will never become reality you truly are his son Alucard was the same he too was a fool" Zues said as my magic erupts causeing the space around us to become darker as I stand up and look at him with my eyes glowing as I step forward cracking the ground with every step. "Don't your dare insult my father" I told him with a murderous tone as I soon vanish and reappear in front of him punching him into the sky before chasing after him and slam him to the ground as I hel his head to the ground. "So you are finally taking this seriously good so shall I" Zues says as he is quickly surrounded by lightning as I use my black cloak spell.

"Lightning magic: thunder crash" Zues says as a bolt of lightning comes crashing towards me but I dodge it before placing a hand on the ground. "Dark magic: decay" I say as the ground begins to crack before turning to dust as everything it touched soon followed with Zues jumping back. "Lightning magic: thunder charge" Zues says as he soon moved as fast as lightning before hitting me like a battering ram but I catch him and hold him as my cloak absorbs the damage as I place a hand on his face.

"Dark magic: impact" I said as Zues is suddenly hit by the pressure of my magic sending him flying into some stone walls. "Lightning magic: thunder pheonix" Zues says as a bird formed from lightning chased after me before finally hitting me as I'm threw into a tree but quickly get back to my feet. "DARK MAGIC: GROUND ZERO" I shout as I slam my hands to the ground before it explodes catching Zues as he soon fell to his knees but I watch him get back to his feet.

"I'm going to end this here vampire" Zues told me as I he begins to charge his magic to it's max and I knew this was his last spell so I take thing a step beyond as I shock him as lightning and fire surround my body as I look him in the eyes. "Lets end this god of thunder Zues" I say showing my respect to his fighting spirit as he looked at me and smiled. "Agreed [Fn] Dracula king of the vampires" Zues says as he showed me respect.

"LIGHTNING MAGIC: DRAGON ROAR" Zues shouts as he shot a beam of Lightning from his magic as if he had become a dragon. "DARK LIGHTNING FLAME MAGIC: HELLFIRE FLASH" I shout as I shoot a black flame from my hands which collides with Zues's attack as we struggle but I push all my magic I have into my attack as it finally breaks through finally hitting Zues with so much power he was unable to stand after taking the hit and fell to the ground as my black cloak finally disappears and I fall to the ground as I look at Zues who was laying on the ground defeated. I force myself up to my feet and walk back to the village along the way I meet up with Rose, Sherry and Leo all looking just as exhausted as I was before we return to the village as our people gather round us.

"My friends today we mark an era in history for this is the day we defeated the holy church and the tri-faction" I say as cheers could be heard but things were not over because soon the sound of laughing could be heard as we all look round before I look at the sky a see a woman floating in the air above us. "I must say you did well taking them down because now my goal is within reach" ??? says as she soon lands before waving her hand knock our people away but me, Sherry, Rose and Leo remain on our feet as she looked at me and Leo with a smile. "Looks like Alucard and Henry grew some fruit for me" ??? said as we prepare for to attack.

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