chapter four

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Maddie groaned as she woke up, her head pounding. She opened her eyes, realizing she was on Evie's chest

"Finally." Evie joked. "Am I in my underwear?" Maddie asked with a blush. "Yeah, you stripped down for us." Evie giggled.

The girls all laughed when they saw Noel outside. "Shit." Tracy muttered before flipping over. "Pretend I'm asleep."

"Hey." Evie said as Noel walked in. "You guys are here?" She looked between Maddie and Evie.

"Yeah, that a problem?" Evie snapped at the girl. "No, I always get dressed with Tracy. She does my hair."

Maddie sat up slightly, normally she was nice to Noel but it pissed her off how disgusted she was that she and Evie were there.

"Well, Tracy decided we should get dressed with her this morning." Maddie told Noel with a fake smile. 

Noel frowned and handed them a pair of Tracy's old jeans. "Well, I found these outside. They're the ones I got for her birthday." Evie smirked. "She's the one that threw them out."

The girl frowned and quickly left the room. Almost instantly the girls all laughed. "I had to pee that whole time." Tracy whined.

They all climbed out of Tracy's bed. "I look like shit." Maddie said when she saw her smudged makeup. 

"We all look like shit." Tracy said, pulling the girls to the bathroom with her. None of them bothering to get dressed.

Brady stood at the sink of the bathroom. "Nice ass." Evie giggled making Tracy scoff in disgust. "Mom!"

The girls walked to the kitchen. "What? I'm making your fave." Mel said sweetly. "Mom! I have to go the bathroom, now!' Tracy shouted at her.

"Can't you hold it a minute?" Mel sighed. "That's how you get a bladder infection you child abuser." Tracy snapped.

Evie grabbed their hands. "Let's go pee outside, wussy." She pulled them to the door. 

The girls each took a squat behind the house before going over to Hampton. "Hampton is my baby." Tracy cooed at the dog. Maddie smiled, petting him.

"Hey Mason." Evie called, stepping in front of his window. "Move your G-string down south." She sang, doing a little dance.

Madd smirked as she watched the girl. "Dude no, that is so gross." Tracy whined. "That's my brother."

Evie chuckled, sending a small wink to Maddie before she flashed Mason. Maddie's mouth fell open. Tracy groaned and pulled them inside.


Maddie, Evie, Tracy, Astrid strutted down the hall, arms looped together. The bell rang, signalling they would once again be late. 

Some random girls whispered about them, earning a snarky comment from Astrid. The four busted into laughter.

"See you girls at lunch." Maddie said once they finally got to her class. "Ms. Havens, late again." Her teacher snapped.

She rolled her eyes, sitting beside Mason. "What's the reason this time?" He asked. "I was gonna say bathroom but I bet you could come up with something more creative." She sassed.

The teacher went to yell but she was already distracted, talking to the boys in her class.

"Mads." Mason nudged the girl. "What's up?" Her smile faded at his serious face. "What were you thinking last night?"

She sighed. "We were just having some fun Mason." He gave her a worried look. "It was a one time thing, I promise." 

"Really?" He asked, unconvinced. She sighed. "I wouldn't lie to you Mason." He finally smiled. "You just scared me, Mads."

She put her head on his shoulder. "I know, I'm sorry."


But that promise didn't mean much as she, Evie, and Tracy skipped out of school early to go to a piercing and tattoo shop. 

Evie handed Maddie a cigarette while they waited for Tracy to finish on the phone with Mel. 

"How about ten dollars, guapo?" Evie asked leaning in close to the man. Maddie stamped out her cigarette and joined her at his side.

He sighed pointing to Tracy. "Hey, her mom know?" The girls shared a look. "She's 18 dude." Maddie told him. "Come on, I know you're a nice guy." Evie added.

"Alright, I'll do it." He agreed. "You're the best." The girls each gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Tracy got in the chair and Maddie and Evie watched from the side. "You getting anything?" Maddie asked.

"Not today, you?" Evie asked. "I mean, I already have my belly button and my tongue but I was thinking maybe nipples?"

Evie smirked. "That would be so hot, Mads." Maddie blushed, looking back over to Tracy.

"Is this gonna hurt?" The blonde asked them. "Only a little." Maddie told her. "Stick it out." The man said, flicking his tongue at her.

Tracy cringed but stuck her tongue out to the man. Other then a small scream from Tracy the piercing went smooth.

"Alright babe, you ready?" The man turned to Maddie. Evie had already told him what she wanted done. She nodded and got on the bench.

"I thought you already had your tongue pierced?' Tracy asked. "I do." Maddie answered before pulling off her t-shirt.

Evie felt herself blush at the sight. "This is gonna hurt." As he started pushing the needle Maddie latched onto Evie's hand.

"Looks good." Evie told her as they looked at the piercings in the mirror. "This is awesome."

The girls started walking towards the library where Mel was picking them up. "How was it?' Tracy asked her.

"Not bad actually, didn't mind the pain." She answered, sending a wink to Evie. Something about her new piercings gave her a major confidence boost.

They settled on a bench and Tracy mess with her piercing. "Just don't open your mouth very wide when you talk. She won't notice."

"I have to ask you something." Tracy said to Evie. "Did you do anything with that crusty tattoo guy?"

The brunette smirked. "Yeah, he ate my pussy." Maddie choked on her breath. "What?"

"Oh my god, are you..." Tracy said in disgust. "I'm kidding, idiots." Evie giggled.

Mel's car rolled to a stop in front of them. "Hey ladies, get a lot of studying done?" She asked the girls. "We were researching mom."

"I'm in charge of the gray water module for the biosphere two project." Tracy lied. "Cool, what module are you in charge of Evie?" 

The brunette smirked as they got in the car. "I'm not in that class, I'm taking advanced physics Mel." 

Maddie giggled as Tracy sat beside her. "That's bullshit." She whispered to Evie. 

Evie shivered but didn't let her confidence falter. "Oh what? Keepin' tabs on me now?" She teased, setting a hand on her thigh. Maddie blushed, "Maybe I am, Zamora."

THIRTEEN ❇ EVIE ZAMORAWhere stories live. Discover now