The crush

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The past
Third person pov:
One month has past and this and are the cute moments that happened

"Stop being a baby" said touya
"Well you brushing to hard" said keigo
It's was after training that keigo start to brush hes feathers but there was a start he couldn't reach so he asked touya if he could do it.
"You ask me to help you so you can't complain" said touya
"Your still mean" said keigo while pouting
"Whatever you said birdie" said touya
Keigo pov:
There you goes again calling me that nickname. I like it, every time he says it I makes my heart flutter. I might have a crush on him but I've never made a crush before plus me only meet a month ago.
"You good keigo, you seems worried."
"Oh it's nothing" said keigo
"You know you could tell me anything." Said touya
"I know" I said. This was not the time to tell him.
"Hey you know we are supposed to go home for a week. I will miss you." I said
"Yea I don't want to go." Said touya
"Aww, because you will miss me." I said
"Yeah, I guess but also cause of my home life"
"Daddy issue"
"How did yo-"
"Honey I know everything."
Touya pov:
I know he said honey to be funny be honestly I really wish he meant it.
"I'm guess you have daddy issue too?"
"Kinda my dad is jail."Said keigo
"Do you miss him?"
"Nah, he was abuser."
"Kinda the same with my dad."
"Want to make a daddy issue club?"
"Mm, sure."
"Yes and I will be the leader" said keigo
"Oh, we can be co-leader."
"That's better."


Time skip to when touya comes back from the break

Third person pov:
"Hey you're back" keigo said
Touya came into the dorm shuts the door and starts crying. Keigo runs up to him and hugs him.
"What happen" the curious keigo asked
"My mom pour hot water on my little brother face."
Keigo knew how disfunction hes family is but this was different.
"hey hey I'm here." Keigo said in a sweet caring voice while leading touya to his bed
"I'm sorry.."  touya said
"You have nothing to be sorry about" keigo said
Two months later
The guys grow closer and now there both 15

Touya pov:

I really like keigo now but I have no idea how to tell him but then I saw a girl talking to him.

Keigo pov: this girl named spare was talking with me then she start to touch my wings
"Your wings and really cool" spare said
"Thanks but could you not touch them." I said as polite as possible.
"But there so soft" she said whining little. She didn't stop touching them so I move away from her but she just moved closer. I saw touya snd mouthed the words "help me" and then he walk over and said
"Why are you touching hes wings"
"Because he's my boyfriend" she said. Really she's lying now. Touya looked at me asking if this is true and I shake my head no. Touya looks back down at the girl who still stocking my wings
"He's not your boyfriend" touya said
"What, he is." She said then touya said
"Actually his my boyfriend"
My face turn red immediately after he said that. The girl looked at me then at touya then let go of my wings and walked away.
"You know you didn't have to say you are my boyfriend" I said
"Yea but she would have bother you later so It was the best option" touya said
"I guess" I said
"And plus" touya said while walking closer
Then grabbing my waist
"Only I get to touch your wings" he touya into my ear in a suductive whisper voice. Then he let go and walked away leaving he a blushing mess. What the What!?

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