Husband material

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The present

Hawk pov:

I come home from patrol at 8:00 like Dabi said. I walk in to find Dabi cooking with groceries on the table. " whats this" I said
"You have no food in your house so I made food" said dabi.
"I thought I had a mission." I said
"You do but it's not what you thought."
"I'm supposed to babysit you"
"What I'm a grown man"
"Trust me I don't want to do this too but it's league orders."
"Ugh fine, your sleeping on the couch tho"
"That fine with me. But do you have any clothes I could wear"
"Maybe I will look, for now I'm gonna shower."
"Okay come get food when your done"
I didn't know a villain could cook and it smells really good too. Let me shower fast so I can it.
I get out of the shower and change to a gray sweatshirt and black short shorts and grab a big black hoodie that doesn't have holes in it with a pair of dark green sweatpants. I walk out of the bathroom to dabi washing his hands.
"Hey I found something you can wear." He drys hes hands and takes the clothes and says
"I will shower now"
I grab some food and sit down on the couch and put on mean girls.
"Oh I love that movie." Dabi said as he drying hes hair and grabbing food
"Same" I said in response
Dabi sits next to me and starts eating. The food Dabi made is really good.
"You know your a really good cook."
"Well sometime I make food for the league."
"Yay then a get more of your cooking with I officially join the league!" I had to pretend,I know that I have to put him in prison.
"Yea whatever birdie" dabi said. Birdie!? Only touya called me that. Is he- no. He can't be touya dead and I have to accept that.
We finished watching means girls and went to bed. Dabi was sleeping on the couch so I gave him a blanket and a pillow and said good night. He said it back and went to bed.
"You good for nothing child!"
"Please stop please . MOM HELP"
I stood up in my bed in a cold sweat panting.
"You good" Dabi said while entering my room
I looked at him and shook my head.
He came onto my bed and said
"it's okay it's just a nightmare"
"I know" I said still a little panicked
Dabi hugged me for a few minutes then started to get up and leave but I grab him and said
"Please stay"
"mhm, okay birdie As he got under the covers. I cuddled into his chest and he wrapped arms around my waist.
"Goodnight" I muttered under my breath
"good night" dabi said shortly after
What great husband material.

The next morning I woke up and I felt something hot next to me so I cuddled up to it then I realized that I don't have something to cuddled to in my room so I look up to see dabi staring at me.
"morning" he said while chuckling
He had a hot morning voice. It's was deep and sexy.
"morning" I said groaning a little but I had to wake up but mostly because because I was turning red. I had the day off so I could sleep in if I wanted too.
"can we stay like this" I say while putting my face into dabi chest so he can't see me turning red.
"mhm, sure" dabi said
He's morning voice is going to made me go crazy. Then I started smelling him. He smelled like firewood and my soap. He smelled nice.
We stay like that for two hours before dabi said he had to go. I let he leave and I make some coffee for my myself then watch tv till 2:00 pm then I hear a knock on my door. I open it to see dabi. ⚠️ SMUT WARNING⚠️
"hey, you good." I said he didn't looked at me he's head was down then he walked in and closed the door then looked at me and pinned me to the wall
"d-dabi what are you doing." I said kinda panicked
"I'm sorry your just such a pretty bird." He said chuckling. He's hand was on the wall while he's other hand was on the waist of my pants going down a little
"All I need is consent" dabi said in a lustfull voice. I didn't have the strength to said no but I shouldn't said yes but it was going to be a one time thing right? Whatever I want him and he wants me.
"mhm, sure" I said. Dabi started smiling and kissed me passionately. I felt his hot tongue exploring my mouth then he bit my bottom lip a little bit making me moans a little. Dabi breaks the kiss and start chuckling then starts to kiss down my neck to my collarbone biting too. He starts leaving hickey then licks them. I moan a little as he found my sweet spot. Then he grabs my thighs and picks me up and walk over to the bedroom. He drops me on the bed and starts taking off my shirt. I put my hand up his shirt to feel his abs he pins me on the bed and takes off he's jacket. He chuckle then took off his shirt. I saw he's abs and started blushing. He kissed me there start trailing kiss down my neck to my abs then he start kissing my v line making me shift a little. He stop then unbuckled he's pants and pull them down. I did the same. He pull down my boxers and put three fingers in my face. I looked at his confused till he said
"suck on them" in a Stern voice. And that what I did then he said
"this will hurt at first because your a Virgin."
" I'm not a virgin I just haven't bottomed in a whi-!" He stuck two fingers in
" sorry I got tried of you talking." He said and slow started scissoring me.
" what a good bird" he said then put the third one in. I start moaning more till he took he's fingers out and put he's tip in.
"Mhmah, fu-fuck"
" what a dirty mouth you have" dabi said teasingly
"Fuck yo-" without warning Dabi slammed the rest of his dick which made me moan louder. Then he start thrusting.
" Ahhuh faster" I said
"Mhm fuck your tight" dabi said trying not to moan. He went faster and then hit my sweet spot
" Ahhmhm- f-fuck right t-there" I moan out
Dabi turn hes body so everything he thrusting is would hit right there.
" fuck I'm...gonna .. cum" I said while moaning in between
" mhm same lets do it at the same thing" dabi said trying to keep his composure. After a few deep thrust Dabi came in me and I came on both of ours chest.
" That was great." Dabi said while dropping down to the space next to me on the bed.
" Yea I know" I said still panting
" Let's shower together" dabi said trying to catch hes breath
" sure" I said while standing up.
Third person pov:
The two shower together. Dabi scrub hawks wings and hawks scrubs Dabis back. Then they put the covers in the washer. And slept on the couch together.

A/N :
This is my first time writing smut so I hope it's good I was dying while writing it's so ya. Also this is a long one.

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