Snuggle Buddy

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The present

Keigo pov:

Mhm. My ass hurts. I looked up to see dabi in my bed AGAIN?! What happen last night. I sit up in bed and then the memories come flooding back. My face instantly turns red. I look back to see dabi slowly waking up then he grabs my waist and pulls me back down on the bed.
" stay" dabi said. God I can't with his morning. I nodding my head in agreement and cuddle back into his chest.
The past

Touya pov:

I wake up to see Keigo cuddling into my chest. I smile but then remember that we have training and I had to wake him up.
" Keigo wake up" I said
" nooo- I what to sleep" he said whining and snuggling more into my chest.
" Keigo we have training" I said more sternly
" fuck that!" Keigo says while still refusing to get up. Gosh why is he so cute I though while looking at him.
" Well if you get up now I will give you kisses and cuddles later." I said. Keigo instantly stood up and walked to the bathroom. I chuckled knowing he got up just for my kisses.
Time skip to after training

Keigo pov:

" ugh, training was so draining today" I said
" I know" Touya said
" do you remember what you own me?" I said while walking toward touya.
" Mhm, come get your kisses then." Touya said while putting his hands out. Touya leans in and kisses my forehead.
" Hey" I said whining.
" Well I said a kiss, it didn't have to be on the lips." Touya said
" meanie." I whine
"Sorry birdie" Touya said kissing my forehead again. I snuggled into his chest while he patted my head which felt nice. Then he start to touch my wings I didn't mind. Till he's hand reach my more sensitive feathers. I let out a little gasp then looked at Touya. He smiled and continue touching the sensitive feathers.

" Stoppp~" I said trying to not to let out any moans.
" Hmm, No." Touya said being a little more aggressive while touching my wings.

I couldn't hold in my moans anymore. I let out a loud moan I didn't realize I did till touya put his finger on my chin to make me look up at him.

" Does it feel that good?" Touya said inches away from my face.

If I wasn't blushing already then I am now. I felt my face get hotter as he closed the gap between us. I felt his hot lips on mine as his tongue swirled around in my mouth. I try to  fight for dominance but lost. We broke the kiss momentarily to breathe then went right back to it.

I loved how he tastes. He tasted like mint probably from the toothpaste we use but also he tasted sweet like candy but I don't know which one. Eventually we stop making out. We looked at each other while panting.

" Happy?" Touya said try to calm his breath.

" Very." I said in response. After a few moments I said

" I'm showing first." while running to the bathroom.

" I don't think so." Touya said running after me.

He catch me right before a open the door and pin me to it. He's hand was on the handled while I was in between him and the door. My back was to him.

" Nice ass." Touya said mono-tone.

My face that finally had turn back to its normal color had turned red again. I turn around which was a mistake because now my face was inches away from Touya who just said my ass looked nice. He can now see the redness on my face.

" Gosh it's so easy to make you blush." Touya said getting closer to my face.

I could feel his hot breath over my face. I wanted to kiss him but I also want the hot water so I kick Touya in the balls and run into the bathroom locking the door.

" You deserve that!" I yelled

" ughhh" Touya groaned

What an idiot I thought as a got undressed and turn the shower on. I want to stay in the shower longer to used all the hot water but I really want to sleep so I got out.

" Did you use all the hot water?" Touya asked while walking toward the bathroom.

" No I didn't but there isn't much." I said back while going to the closet to change.
Time skip to after touya shower.

Touya pov:

I got out of the shower and changed. I saw keigo almost asleep on his bed. I'm still kinda mad that he kick me in the balls but I did deserve it but then it's not my fault that keigo's ass looked nice and I decided to give it credit.

Keigo looks so peaceful sleeping I'm going to cuddle next to him. I got in bed next to keigo and wrap my arms around his waist. He shuffled a little but then cuddle back with his head in my chest. I kissed the top of his head and smiled. I wish I could take him with me.

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