Where are we?

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In a dark room the lights turn on and there are several bodies laying on the floor groaning as they wake up one by one looking around and realizing they are in a movie theater.

Sam: What the hell?... Where are we?

Bucky looking at him giving him a 'why would I know' look.

Steve: Language!!

People groan at hearing that.

Bucky: Steve?? How are you here?

Steve looks at him confused then looks at everyone else around him.

Tony (starting to get annoyed): Okay what is going on?... Shouldn't you guys be on the run and kid (pointing to Peter) shouldn't you be in class or something?

Peter kind of chuckles nervously at hearing that.

Kate: Clint I am so confu.... uhmm are you okay Clint?

Kate looks at Clint and he has a shocked and pained expression on his face along with Yelena as they are both staring at the person who to them is dead.

Clint whispers softly: Nat...

Yelena (starts panicking a little): This... this... doesn't make any sense

Nat goes to Climt and gives him a a quick hug. She then looks at her sister fondly with tears in her eyes seeing her so upset she whistles. Yelena blinks at the recognition and whistles back going to her sister and hugging her.

Yelena: I missed you so much!

Voice in the ceiling: Hello everyone
[Everyone jumps a little scared at the new voice] so sorry to scare you guys I know you are all confused and I will explain everything but first can you all introduce yourselves and say the year you are from.

Tony: Tony Stark, Iron Man and I'm from 2018.

Steve: Steve Rogers, Captain America and also from 2018.

Natasha: Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow and 2018.

Bruce: Bruce Banner also the Hulk and 2018.

Thor: I am Thor God of Thunder and 2018.

Carol: Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel 2018.

Rhodey: James Rhodes but call me Rhodey, I'm War Machine and 2018.

T'Challa: T'Challa King of Wakanda 2016.

Shuri: I am princess Shuri of Wakanda and 2016.

Scott: Scott Lang, Ant Man and 2016.

Vision: I am Vision and I come from the year 2016.

Wanda looks at Vision with tears starting to form in her eyes.

Loki: Loki God of Mischief 2016.

Sam: Sam Wilson, Captain America/ Falcon 2023

Bucky: James Barnes but I go by Bucky and 2023.

Yelena gives him a look with a raised eyebrow knowing exactly who he is. Natasha notices this and elbows her in the stomach.

Stephen: Stephen Strange, Dorcerer and 2023.

Pepper: Pepper Potts 2023.

Wanda: Wanda Maximoff, Scarlett Witch 2023.

Clint: Clint Barton, Hawkeye 2023.

Peter: Peter Parker, Spider-Man 2023.

Steve looks at him with shock. 'I fought a kid at the airport' Steve thinks to himself.

Kate: Kate Bishop, Hawkeye 2023.

Yelena: Yelena Belova, Black Widow 2023.

Ceiling Voice: Thank you everyone. So to make a long story short a mad titan named Thanos ends up coming to earth to erase half of humanity and ends up succeeding also killing Vison in the process. But then five years later you guys end up finding a way to bring everyone back but also both Tony and Natasha end up sacrificing their lives for this to be accomplished.

Natasha kind of suprised by hearing this but also no but then looks at her sister and best friend finally now understanding why they acted the way they did when they saw her.

Tony: Okay well that is alot to process but that still doesn't answer why there is apparently another Hawkeye and Black Eidow.

Kate pipes up hearing this: Well i'm technically Clint's protege. Some people have called me the worlds greatest archer you know.

Yelena rolls her eyes at hearing this.

Natasha: Well uhh Yelena here is my sister we both grew up in the Red Room.

People all look at the duo in shock.

Clint (looking at the sisters with a grin): You know your sister tried to kill me.

Kate: Ya same here, she threw me off a roof, then broke into my appartment and made me Mac n Cheese.

Peter and Shuri start to giggle hearing the last part.

Nat gives her a look with a raised eyebrow: Why exactly?

Yelena: Okay first of all if I really wanted to kill Clint Barton I would have there is no "almost" and Kate Bishop I will tell you again A I did not try to kill you I put you on a wire to remove an obstacle and B I didn't break anything I am way too talented for that.

Shuri starts laughing: Oh I love this girl so much we are gonna get along nicely.

Yelena smirks at her.

Ceiling voice: As entertaining as that was the real reason I brought you all here is to introduce you to a team of shield agents that was formed after the battle of New York, so will everyone please take their seats.

Seating arrangememt
1st Row: Thor, Bruce, Tony, Pepper, Steve, Bucky and Sam
2nd Row: Scott, Clint, Natasha, Yelena, Kate, Shuri, Peter
3rd Row: Loki, Stephen, Carol, T'challa, Rhodey, Vision and Wanda

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