0-8-4 Part 2

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INT: Bus briefing room

CAMILLA: Was it 11 years ago, now? You swooped in with S.H.I.E.L.D. with so much confidence, so much mystery. You had 100 men at your disposal. And now --

This starts to cause everyone in the room to stare with daggers

COULSON: A hand-picked team. And, yes, they're that good.

CAMILLA: Oh, Phil. You're not even aware. Your renewed idealism, your collectibles, your airborne man cave, surrounding yourself with young, attractive agents -- you're having a mid-life crisis.

People starting getting mad at the lady on screen

Steve (mumbles): More like an after life crisis

Only Tony heard this and raised an eye brow shocked that capsicle made a joke

COULSON: More an afterlife thing, really.

CAMILLA: And I'm not going to even mention the red Corvette.

Natasha and Clint (sternly): Don't talk bad about Lola

COULSON: Her name's Lola.

CAMILLA: [ Laughs ] Of course it is. It's textbook. You built this team so you could feel relevant, to feel needed.

Yelena: ah cyka (bitch). I am going to murder this lady

Natasha nods her head agreeing with her sister

Tony, Clint, Bucky, Loki and Carol: I'm helping!

COULSON: They don't need me. They need time.

CAMILLA: Well, time is not on their side.

COULSON: No, but you gave them something better -- a common enemy.

Bruce grins at this


Loki just sits there grinning knowing that this lady is going to lose

Steve: You guys really need to watch your language... we have kids here

INT: Bus cargo hold. The gang is now untied and standing in a circle.

SKYE: Okay, we're sure, right? Everyone's sure?

SIMMONS: We're all on board.

FITZ: Yeah, let's do this fast.

WARD: No turning back. No freezing up.

FITZ: Because if we do, then...

WARD: All of us die.

SIMMONS: We know.

FITZ: Yeah.

WARD: All right.

Wanda: They are communicating

Vision: It seems that Agent Coulson was right. With a common enemy they were able to work as a team

Scott: But for real you guys they are finishing eachothers sentences

[ Engine revs ]

MAY: You guys talk a lot.

Chuckles are heard throughout the room

[ Vehicle door closes, engine revs ]

[Ward pushes Skye and Fitz-Simmons to the side]

[May drives the car straight through the fuckin wall]

INT: Bus top floor

CAMILLA [rushing out to open lounge area] (to her men, who are moving): No, no, no! (in Spanish) That's exactly what they want.

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