Chapter 15

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To those Stalex fans hope you enjoy this chappie!

I felt someone moving next to me. I opened my eyes and looked over to see a sleeping shirtless well naked Stefan as I was naked too. The sun shone in through the window it was 7 in the morning. I looked over at Stefan again and noticed the ripped sheets they were shredded. But it was so worth it. I saw the bed frame slightly broken too. Oops... I quietly and quickly got dressed and wrote a note for Stefan then left to go back home.


I enter the house quietly trying not to get caught. I heard footsteps behind me an I turn around to see Uncle Elijah standing there and he has a hair cut.

"Nice hair cut." I say pouring a glass of whiskey.

"Thank you And don't you think it's a bit early for alcohol?" He questions. I shrug downing my drink then poured another. I Sighed sitting down. I started to feel guilty about last night. God I feel like such a whore right now. Oh wait I am! I set down my from and laid face down on the couch. I'm stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"What is troubling you?" Uncle Elijah asked.

I turn my head to look at him and he looked concerned. I sigh sitting up.

"I-" I stopped once my dad walked in. He looked at me and looks concerned then angry at the state of me. I was a mess. My clothes had holes and shreds but covers myself enough and yea.

"What happened?" He asked. I shook my head.


"Your lying."

"Niklaus can you please leave for the time being obviously whatever Alexia was going to tell me she doesn't want you to know." I slightly smiled at Uncle Eli. But dad was angered by this.

"So who did you sleep with?" Dad asked and I groaned.

"Oh no I am NOT talking to you about this. Just forget it." Then i ran upstairs and found myself a room. I threw away my clothes that were ruined and took a quick shower and got changed into blue jeans a graphic tee and vans.

I walked back downstairs a poured myself another glass of whiskey. I heard footsteps behind me and I knew exactly who's they were.

"What is it?" I ask turning to look at my father.

"Look I came to apologize, I shouldn't have tried to know your business, and believe it or not I was just worried." I look at him shocked.

"Who are you and what have you done to my father?" I ask. He smirks as he takes my glass and drinking it.

"Hey!" I said. Then I sighed. "So where's uncle Eli?" I ask sitting down.

"He says he has business with someone, he should be back shortly." I nod as I started to drift off to sleep. Man I didn't think I would be this tired after last night. Then again I did wake up early to leave and besides I didn't want Damon to catch us. God I feel like a whore and a slut for sleeping with my ex's brother. Once again I'm saying it. I sigh once again then fell to sleep.


Once I woke I found a few people organizing something.

"Whats this?" I ask my uncle as he walks into the room in his usual attire.

"We are having Stefan and Damon over for dinner. We are going to make a truce and deal per say." He told me. I stiffly nodded. "Is everything alright?" He asks me and I nodded.

"Do I have to be there?" I ask him.

"It would be much appreciated if you do so." I groan.

"Must I wear something nice or casual?" I ask him once again.

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