Chapter 30

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Check out my other stories "Falling in Love with Insanity" and "Do you seek Ana" and I promise you won't be disappointed.
"They think I'm dead Marcel I need to go back." I told him. He sighed in defeat.

"Just try not to die this time, yea?" I chuckle then smirk.

"I don't plan on it." I said before I was off.
I walked into Mystic Grill and hit with a group of people and eavesdropped into Damon and Elena's conversation.

"Did you kill them?" Elena asked him.

"Did you kill Alex?" Damon snapped back.

"Damon you know-" he cut her off before standing up.

"No I don't know." He said before leaving. I left right after that.
I flattened my black dress as I entered the church as they were preparing the funeral for the council members who died.

I saw Elena talking to a girl. I walked back out and ran into a guy. Same skin tone as Marcel but taller and more muscular.

"My bad." I said going around him.

"I'm Connor." He said. I turn to him he had his hand out. I looked at his gloved hand to his face. I shook his hand and my hand burned but he didn't know that. You get used to it after awhile.

"Alex." I said.

"Mikaelson!" He asked giving me a look.

"No it's Conwell actually."

"Oh my bad." I nodded and left. So there is a new hunter in town huh? Well this could get interesting.
I watched the funeral dram unfold and poor Ty he was shot.

"I can go back?" I asked mother.

"Yes dear, you can. Your little witch friend Davina is looking for a spell. It's like how when your friend Matt tried getting his sister back but this spell won't put the veil down."

"How does it work?"

"You must draw power from two witches from the same blood line and say a certain incantation for it to work and it will help Davina especially since she has your body."
I nodded.

"But wait! Could it work for dad?" I asked.

"Your father isn't dead my dear he had that Bennett witch do a spell to transfer his soul into another body." My eyes welled up with tears of joy.

"He's alive." I smiled. She smiled lightly.


I watched them with the lanterns. All of them were there minus Ty. That's when I decided to make my appearance. So I walked out. Damon was the first to see me. His eyes widened.

"I hope you have another one." I stated. All of them looked at me shocked and Elena and Bonnie in horror.  Caroline literally pounced on me and hugged me as hard as she can. I chuckled and hugged her back. Then came Matt. We pulled apart and Stefan and Damon were standing in front of me. I smiled at the both of them as tears fell down my face. Stefan was the first to step up. When he touched me I felt like I was on fire but in a good way. I hugged him tightly. I pulled away from him and Damon instantly took me into his arms. I snuggled into him and hugged him as hard as I can trying not to crush him. Once we pulled apart he smashed his lips onto mine and I kissed back immediately I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. Caroline cleared her throat. I couldn't help but laugh.

"How long were you back?" Care asked me.

"Um two days?" I said unsurely.

"What! Two day?" Damon yelled.

"I when I came back I wasn't even in Mystic Falls I was all the way in New Orleans and I couldn't leave until I regained my strength. I mean being brought back from the dead is exhausting." I said. "So about those lanterns." I say. One by one we each did a lantern minus Damon. But Damon did stay. Then it was my turn.

"This is for my mom, Alaric, Aunt Sage, Uncle Finn, my grandparents as much assholes they were and...." I trailed off and looked at the ground. "Luciana." I said lighting my lantern. Then together we released the lanterns. Damon grabbed my hand and pulled me away and we left for the boarding house where we had a very long and hard night ;)

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