Not in Kansas Anymore

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I stared at the shimmering pool as it reflected the brilliant light of the moon.

I was on a hunting trip. I've gotten reports of people going missing in this area; usually young couples and a band of teenagers who went on a road trip. I've never heard of a situation like this and so far I haven't found anything useful. All I see is this stupid pool sitting smack-down in the middle of a dark forest somewhere in Kansas.

I sighed. There was nothing there to investigate and I was wasting my time. I picked up my sack full of weapons and started to walk away. I had no idea what I was dealing with so I decided to bring any weapons that seemed effective enough. There was even a flamethrower. I also packed some clothes just in case there was blood.

I began to make my way towards my car, my sweet Baby. That's right, I named him Baby. Just then I heard the pool ripple behind me but I just figured that it was a frog or something. Suddenly something wet wrapped around my ankle. I immediately froze and looked down to see what it was.

At first it looked like a blob but when I tried to focus on it a little more I could see it was in the shape of a hand. It shimmered in the moonlight just like that pool. The hand clearly came somewhere, so I began to look up while trying not to panic. I saw that it was attached to an arm that stretched all the way back to the pool.


As soon as I tried to move my foot out of the grasp of whatever it was it yanked my foot back making me fall instantly. Not long after it began to quickly pull me towards the water.

I finally panicked and tried to grab anything that would keep me from going under. I pulled out a knife from my weapons bag and dug it into a tree root. Unfortunately the bark was not strong enough so my knife slipped right through. I quickly dug it into the ground but it only slowed my movements. Soon I ran out of ground and I was pulled into the eerie grasp of the freezing pool.


I woke up in the middle of the forest right next to the pool. I have no idea what happened but at least I'm out of that creepy water and.....dry.

That's weird.

I stood up and looked at my surroundings. It looked like the same forest that I was in last night except the sun is shining. Did I sleep over night?

I looked down to see that my weapons duffle/ book-bag was laying near my feet. I quickly picked it up and started walking in the direction that I knew my car was in. It was about a half mile walk.

2 miles later.

Are you serious?! Where is my car? It's like the forest drags on and on. Maybe I went the wrong way. That can't be right because I have an excellent sense of direction. I was just about to turn back when I heard screams in the direction I was walking from.

I quickly turned around and ran towards the noise. It sounded like a man and woman screaming.

I came to a clearing and saw a man laying on the ground with a leg twisted in the wrong direction and a woman being held by her neck up against a tree by another man.

"Hey you!" I yelled at him.

His head quickly turned around to reveal red eyes and sharp fangs.

Vampire. I instantly think.

He dropped the woman as soon as he saw me and and made his way towards my direction. I quickly shuffled in my bag looking for that specific weapon but had trouble finding it. The vampire was advancing on me and I was running out of time.

Finally I found what I wanted. A machete. But it was a little too late. He jumped on top of me forcing me to drop my weapon and fall to the ground with his weight forced on top of me. He tried to take a bite out of my neck but I was too quick and punched him square in the nose.

The action disabled him long enough for me to kick him off and reach for the large knife. The vampire was coming at me again but I swiftly grabbed the machete and turned my body to slice off his head.

It fell lifelessly to the ground with no emotion but his fangs still showing. Unexpectedly the woman came and stabbed the creature in the heart with a broken stick....a stake, really? Everyone should know that cutting off a vampires head kills it, not a stake to the heart. Dummies.

The, I assumed, couple turned to me with relief in their eyes.

"You saved us!" The woman said. She looked like she was in her late twenties.

I was disturbed by the fact that she was not fazed by what she saw. Usually people would freak out by now...

"How can we ever repay you?" The man asked.

"Well you could tell me where I am for starters and where is the nearest town?" I asked curiously.

They looked at me a little weird but the the woman responded.

"You are in San Diego, California and the next town is half a mile away in that direction." She pointed to my right. "Just walk in a straight line and you'll get there."

California? That couldn't be right. I was just in Kansas. Oh no, that pool incident wasn't a dream. But why am I in California? I guess I'll figure out.

I turned to walk in the direction that she told me to go but then they stopped me.

"Wait!" The man shouted. "Let us give this to you as payment for your work.

The man held out a big wad of cash. "It's two thousand dollars. I hope it's enough."

My eyes instantly widened. Whoa.

"That is more than enough, but you don't need to pay me!" Why would they give me so much money?

"Please take it. We insist!" The woman said.

They both looked at me with pleading eyes. I still don't understand why they would want to pay me, but I probably need the money for where I'm going.

I reluctantly took the money and they smiled. Weird. Finally the woman began to help the man up.

"Do you need any help?" I asked, worried about their state.

"Oh no, we'll be fine. We have a car up ahead." The woman said pointing to the left. They continued to walk on and I was left alone.

I quickly cleaned off my blood stained machete and placed it back in my bag. I then pulled my bag onto my back like a book bag and started to walk to the nearest town.


So what do you think? Please comment and send me feedback. And yes I know that my geography may be a little off. *cough* a lot *cough*.


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