Chapter 6

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"We've done some very good magic tonight."

It had been several centuries since Douxie had last needed to forge tools of Oaraki steel. His first bracer had been cast purely out of this mystical material, but as his library of spells grew, so had his spellcasting tool. As time wore on, pure magical metals became harder to come by. Claire would need a similar beginner's bracelet. Douxie had added to his own with an alloy formed from cached Oaraki and cast-iron. He had crafted hers in the same manner.

Reputable blacksmith's workshops were difficult to come by in 21st century California, so Douxie and Archie had been forced to improvise. The duo had selected a vacant alleyway near their apartment. They were acquainted with many such hideaways. The wizard had no fiery forge, but he did have a draconic familiar. Archie's fire burned blue as Douxie manipulated them to do their delicate work.

Bending the flames to his will, the boy had shifted the bright blue energy with extreme precision. Sweat had run down his forehead from beneath his crude welding mask. The ring of metal had begun as a misshapen lump, but had slowly gained defined edges and symmetry. It was far from perfect, but after two hours of sweat and several breaks, the wizard and familiar had deemed it worthy.

It had taken Douxie still longer to craft a crude hinge for the bracer's easy removal. In the end, the tool they had crafted was a small, crude ring of metal, tailored to fit the slimmest of feminine wrists.

But it wasn't complete. Not yet.

Upon Claire's arrival in the shop the next day, she was pleasantly surprised to find this gift from her wizard instructor. Upon her attempt to try the bracelet on, its latch had failed to secure it to her wrist. Upon several attempts, the magical tool refused to lock into place.

Humiliated, Douxie had lamented his neglect to design a proper latch, but Claire had simply laughed, quick to comfort him. Selecting a pin from her hair, she had gingerly attached it to her bracer, bending it around the latch and snapping the ring shut around her dainty wrist. Surprisingly, it had held.

Douxie's cheeks had colored slightly as the girl casually shook out her dark hair. It fell just shy of reaching her shoulder. Claire tied it into a small ponytail behind her head, letting her blue streak fall freely over her forehead. The girl had grinned, pleased with her handiwork.

Douxie explained that her new accessory was lifeless until bonded to its user. It may take her several weeks to meld with her magical energy. He had asked her to reconvene with him that evening, once the bookstore had closed.

It was time for Claire to enter the wizard's domain.

* * *

Claire's eyes widened as Douxie's bracer hummed to life. Triggering the shop's enchanted mechanism, the two watched in awe as the shop's interior shifted into a wizard's den. As they stepped inside, the wizard took a quick glance outside to make sure no mortal bystanders had noticed the transformation. 

The girl spun in place, taking in the study's ornate decor. "This is"

Archie alighted gently on the ornate spiral staircase. "Yes. Rather gothic, wouldn't you say?"

Douxie grinned, rolling his eyes at his sly familiar. "This is where I come to do most of my magic."

Claire stopped to examine an astrolabe. "So where did you get all this stuff?"

"I've been collecting artifacts for a long time," the wizard replied. "Most of it's a lot older than Arcadia."

"That's amazing," she replied, her voice breathy in disbelief. "Must've been a lot of work to dig up these old relics."

Douxie swallowed. "Right, yeah." It's not too hard when you've been alive for a handful of centuries.

The girl gingerly picked up a glowing jade gemstone. "So, I'm not supposed to tell anyone about all this, right?"

"No," Douxie replied. "The less they know, the safer they are."

"I guess that includes my parents." Claire gave a gentle sigh. "That's probably for the best. How about you? Any family?"

Douxie nodded, avoiding eye contact. He should have been prepared for this question. "Not in town." That's technically true, right?

The girl nodded in satisfaction. Placing the stone back on the end table, she suddenly yelped in pain. Douxie whirled to see Claire gripping her left hand. "Ow! Geez! Why does your table have claws?!"

"Gothic architecture," Archie noted, licking his hind legs.

Douxie's eyes widened as he glimpsed blood on the girl's palm. "Oh. Hold still." He fumbled with his spellbracer. "I got it." The wizard rapidly selected a spell, reaching for her hand. "Noxito Compellum."

Claire's eyes widened as a gentle light shone from her cut. Douxie's eyebrows rose. To him, it was just a simple healing spell, but to her, it was wondrous.

Her starry eyes looked up to meet his. "Wow. You've gotta teach me that."

The boy smirked. "Sure thing. That's an easy one."

Claire giggled, then flexed her restored hand.

Douxie smiled proudly, then sucked in a rapid breath as something else caught his eye. The girl's bracer had begun to emit a gentle violet glow.

Claire gasped. "Did I just...?"

"You brought it to life..." Douxie took her by the wrist, mesmerized by the illuminated ring of steel.

"But I didn't do anything!"

"Magic is powered by emotion," Douxie replied. "Usually. It gets complicated." He released the girl's wrist tool, looking up to smile at her. "That's good. This is your first step."

Claire grinned in youthful excitement. "So that means you're gonna teach me how to use it, right?"

Douxie smirked. "That depends. How good are you with a broom?"

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