Chapter 7

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"I don't speak wizardese."

Camelot, 12th Century

Hisirdoux stumbled, tearing his leather-clad leg free from a bramble. "But Master Ambrosius sir, I haven't got my bracer!"

"You've got yourself, haven't you? Such casting tools will focus your power, but they are not the source of it." Merlin brushed a tree branch aside with his staff. The branch caught Hisirdoux between the eyes as it swung back. The boy glowered at his snickering cat as he soared past.

Merlin stopped beneath a towering pine, turning to face his apprentice. "Hidden within this area is your spellcasting bracelet. Find it without the assistance of your eyes."

Hisirdoux blinked, waiting eagerly for further explanation. "Without my what?"

The boy yelped as a dusty blindfold levitated down from above, wrapping itself around his head.

"Before you wield magic," Merlin continued, "you must learn to recognize it. Your innate power can sense the tool's presence."

"Sense it?" Hisirdoux waved his arms blindly in front of him, feeling nothing but empty air.

"Its magical energy can be detected by the most primal instincts of your soul," the wizard continued. Hisirdoux turned to follow his voice. "The soul is the conduit of your magic. You must train your mind to hear its call." Merlin's tone was even, untainted by emotion.

Hisirdoux swallowed. Right. Hullo there, soul. Which way then?

The boy chided himself. That's not what he meant. Think. How do I feel when I'm using magic?

Hisirdoux closed his eyes beneath the blindfold. Mustering his courage, he took a small step forward, finding gentle forest earth beneath his boot.

"Do not merely choose a random direction," Merlin interjected. "Listen for the ring of your bracer's power."

Listen for the ring? Oh, fuzzbuckets. That's not confusing at all.

After stumbling over several roots and earning a series of irritated groans from his mentor, Hisirdoux turned his focus inwards. 

The morning light danced across the burlap fabric of his blindfold, but as the boy's eyes closed, the sensation did not disappear. A faint sparkling hum led him to turn to his right, then take five tentative steps forward.

I think it's here. I can recognize it, even without seeing it.

As he reached for the forest floor to seize his prize, a sudden shift in the stones beneath him caused Hisirdoux to fall forwards, landing atop a squirming mass of fur and claws. The boy yelped as Archie hissed, leaving several painful marks upon his face. "Oy!" The feline yowled. "Are you mad?! Give over, Doux!"

Hisirdoux rapidly yanked off the blindfold, jumping to his feet and fumbling through a rapid series of apologies as Merlin struggled to hide his amused grin. His face red with shame, Hisirdoux was startled by Merlin's hand on his shoulder.

"You'll find it next time, I imagine. Now wipe the blood off your face. There's work to be done."

* * *

Arcadia, 21st Century 

"So, a Chaos Siphon can capture a Paraphite?"

"Yeah," Douxie replied. "Within a certain size. The bigger ones tend to wriggle out."

Claire sighed, turning the page of the Monstrology tome on the desk before her. "Okay, so I should learn that, right? If it's useful for lots of situations?"

"While powerful, the spell can be a bit inconsistent," Archie chimed in from the couch behind the two sorcerers. "Monsters are like viruses. They evolve over the centuries. What worked in the 1700's may not work now."

The girl's lip curled upward in frustration. "Then why am I studying the old stuff at all?"

"Because we've gotta start somewhere," Douxie interjected. "These are the basics, remember?" Douxie lifted the ancient book, flipping past several chapters before returning it to the table.

Claire glanced at the yellowed page. "Sirens? So, how do I deal with those?"

The boy wizard scanned the ancient text. Until he taught Claire the basics on mage's linguistics, he had no choice but to personally translate her homework into 21st century English.

"Let's see...stasis spikes...liquid nitrogen...oh, wait. That's not right." Douxie scratched at the ink illustration with his eraser. "Those look way different now. Not nearly enough teeth."

Claire sighed deeply, turning to another book spread out upon the ornate table.

Douxie paused in his work. "What's that?"

The girl held up the cover. "Social Studies. You aren't the only one giving me homework, you know."

The wizard chuckled, letting his pencil roll to the floor. He stood, pushing his hair up from his line of sight. "C'mon. It's time for a new lesson."

Claire slowly rose to follow. "Where are we going?"


* * *

The wizard stopped, turning to face his apprentice. The three figures stood in a narrow alleyway, two blocks from the bookstore. Claire and Archie stared at him impatiently. Douxie stepped toward the girl, reaching out to wrap a dustrag around her eyes, then reconsidered, handing it to her instead. "Here. Um, put this on."

Claire smirked. "Am I getting kidnapped?"

"No," Douxie protested, his face rapidly reddening. "This is a blind test, alright? I did the same thing when I was younger."

After Claire had securely fastened the impromptu blindfold over her head, Douxie explained the task, instructing Archie to hide the girl's bracer.

At first, Claire tried to step confidently through the dark alley with her hands on her hips. Predictably, this demeanor was short-lived, as several stumbles led her to navigate her surroundings more cautiously. Douxie chuckled, amused by the spectacle. No wonder Merlin favored this test. It's brilliant fun to watch.

Claire made slow progress through the alley, using the wall for support. As she stepped behind a dumpster, Douxie's smirk faded. She's not moving toward the bracer. Why is she so focused on that spot? Arch hid it in the other direction.

Douxie moved to follow her. What's got her attention, anyway?

Claire stood, holding a small object high above her head. "Found it! That's gotta be some kind of record."

Douxie paled as he recognized the trinket. Morgana's shadow staff?! That's impossible! We locked it up inside the shop!

Claire, perplexed, surrendered the scathrune to her master. Douxie quickly escorted her out of the hallway, dismissing her curiosity and sending her home. After her departure, the young wizard desperately pondered the mysterious turn of events.

This is the second time she's accidentally found the scathrune.

Someone wants her to have it.

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