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    Bella woke up the next morning slightly warmer than normal. Snuggling a little closer into herself, she remembered why she's so warm.

Opening her eyes, looking down to see his jacket, Tommy's jacket. She thought about him, he was very intimidating at first. But by the end of their conversation he showed her some kindness.

She wants to know more about him. And she wants to thank him again and to give him his jacket back.

Getting up she tries to straighten herself out as much as she could. She'll be looking for a job again today. But her first goal is to get some more clothes and freshen up. Deciding to leave Tommy's jacket folded on the hay bale.

Now not having any money will make getting new clothes harder to do. But she'll do what she has to.

A few minutes later, she said her good byes to Monaghan Boy, glad to finally have a name for the horse, and was on her way to the heart of Small Heath.

Coming across a small clothing store, Bella went in. Walking around the store she came across a long sleeved dark purple dress. It was a little tighter around the waist, allowing it to flow down to her calf's. It was stylish and warm. This is the one she wanted.

So she went to work. Making sure no one around her was looking, as she stood behind a clothing rack, quickly shoving the dress into her bag.

Pretending to look around for a few more minutes, she left. Easy enough.

Now she was to off to the woman's house to see if they can spare her a bath.


Tommy sat in his office, papers spread out all over his desk.

He was trying to concentrate, but couldn't. There were so many things going through his head. From Arthur's non stop talking about having everyone drinking at the Garrison this week, to tip toeing around what kind of business Michael was allowed to part take in without Polly threatening Thomas about it.

Polly's comment to Tommy the other day was getting to him. About how he loved Grace, but not currently. It is something that is always on his mind. But what was he suppose to do? He needs Charlie in his life and Charlie needs Grace.

Smiling a little to himself as he thought about his son. Looking out of the window in his office he saw that the sun was just starting to set. If he left now he would be able to spend sometime with his him before it was time for bed.

Collecting his papers, and putting them into his brief case, he was going to continue his work at his home office.

Taking one last look around he went to exit through the house again.

As soon as he stepped into the kitchen, he noticed how cold it had gotten.

Instantly, his mind went to Bella. She must be freezing.

Walking past the the living room he grabbed the heavy throw blanket from the couch. He had one more stop to make.


It was a little chillier than it has been but Bella knew she would survive for now. She needed to find some real housing before winter came. The hay wasn't gonna cut it for too much longer.

But since she got her new dress and a fresh bath she felt more confident.

She walked a little faster towards the yard, hoping to get out of this wind.

Upon hearing her entrance, Monaghan Boy let out a few excited huffs of air. He started getting attached to her as well.

"Ello boy, how was yer day?" She asked the horse, while walking up to pet him.

Too Late To Say Goodbye | Tommy Shelby {1}Where stories live. Discover now