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Tommy couldn't remember the last time he felt peace like this.

He woke just as the sun was coming up but couldn't get out of bed. Not when he looked to his left to find a naked, sleeping Bella. So he stayed put watching her sleep.

He's never been a church man but he was convinced she was an Angel sent down from the heavens, and for whatever reason he got to experience her.

Switching positions to lay on his side to face her, moving a strain of hair that fell into her face.

She looked so pretty. That was the only way he could describe her. Pure beauty.

Dark curls, long lashes and slight smile on her lips. He felt anxious waiting for her eyes to open, to reveal the bright grey underneath.

In the back of his mind, he knew he needed to get up and start working. But he couldn't leave this moment.

Letting his hand move from her hair, down her arm, and finally resting on the curve of her waist.

He watched as her eyes started to flutter, and soon open, blinking a few times before they settled on him. A smile slowly made its way on her face.

"Morning, Tommy." She whispered

This was the moment he was waiting for and glad he was here to see it, feeling a smirk make it's way onto his face

"Morning, peach. Sleep well?"

Bella nodded "I'm surprised you're still here."

She didn't mean it offensively, or thinking he would fuck her and leave, but it was true he was never in bed this late, and was fully expecting to wake up alone.

Using the hand that was already on her waist he wrapped it around tighter, pulling her close enough that she had to bend her neck to look up at him.

"Couldn't bare to miss this moment." He told her

Bella giggled and felt her heart warm at the thought of him waiting for her to wake up before leaving.

The two have shared a bed before and woken up next to each other as well. But this time was different. This time involved love.

Reaching up she connected their lips. It was slow and sweet, nothing compared to the night before.

Pulling away keeping their foreheads touching, smiling softly, Bella spoke "your baby is probably waiting for me."

Tommy tsked teasingly, "I'll let it slide today, but he's not stealing you from me every morning."

Placing her hands on his cheeks, pulling back to fully look at his face "and where are you off to today?"

Rubbing his hand over her bare back "meetings. Arthur called the boys to Charlie's Yard, not sure what it's about. Then I have business to take care of."

Bella frowned slightly, "Tommy, I know I promised to stay out of the business for now. But please don't keep things a secret."

He sighed and kissed her forehead "I know peach. I just want you and the baby safe. Wash my hands of all this so we can live a safe and happy life, I don't want to worry you."

She understood where he was coming from. Ever since the night on the bridge, Tommy's been leaving a lot of details out about the business. She assumes it's because it involves the priest and he doesn't want to bring it up around her. But still she wanted to make sure he was being safe.

"I understand Tommy. Just want to make sure you're okay."

"As long as you're here when I come home, I'll always be okay, Bell."

Too Late To Say Goodbye | Tommy Shelby {1}Where stories live. Discover now