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Bella barely felt the stinging of the scrapes on her knees.

The rain is still pouring down as she continued to sob into Tommy neck. His grip on her was strong, but not as strong as hers was on his jacket. She was holding onto to him so tight, that her knuckles turned white.

She was so close to doing it, one step and she would've been taken away in the rushing water of the cut.

But then Tommy came and he told about how much she meant to people, and how much she meant to him.

He was right. She couldn't do it.

She couldn't leave any of them, especially Tommy. Because no matter how much she was hurting, they were all still here and she couldn't leave them. She didn't want to.

She felt Tommy's heart beating fast, and she felt more guilty at the fact she even thought about leaving him.

And she almost accidentally did, then yet again Tommy was there to save her. Just like he always was.

Sniffling, trying to compose herself, she spoke quietly
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" she kept muttering

"Shhh it's okay Bella, you're okay." He spoke into her hair, while smoothing it out.

He pulled her closer, if that was even possible and rubbed his other hand over her back.

He knew he had to get her out of the rain soon. But moving at that second seemed like the most difficult thing to do. He didn't want to let her go. He wanted to hold her this close for as long as he could.

Bella was trying to concentrate on her breathing.

In and out....

In and out....

After a few minutes, her breathing was almost back to normal. And her sobs died down to just sniffles.

Taking her head out of his neck, she brought her face up. Leaving them only about an inch apart from each other.

Tommy searched her face, she seemed calmer but he needed to know she was okay.

Sensing his unspoken question, she nodded.
"Thank you Tommy" she whispered

He didn't have any words, he was just thankful she was still here. So instead he leaned closer and pressed his lips to her forehead.

Bella was able to feel his emotions in the gesture.

When he pulled away, and locked eyes with her again. "Let's get you home, okay?" He asked gently

She Nodded, but still didn't loosen her grip on his jacket. So he bought one arm under her legs and kept the other to support her back, picking her up.

He made the short walk to the still running car, placing her in first. She let out a whimper when she had to let him out. Bringing his hand up her to face, making sure she was okay, and gave her another quick kiss on the cheek. He shut the door and jogged around to his side.

As soon as he was in the seat, Bella was stuck to his side, and grabbed his hand tightly, as he started the drive back to Watery Lane.

They didn't share any words on the drive back. Bella stayed looking down at her hand in Tommy's. She's never felt guilt like this before.

Tommy constantly looked between the road and the girl beside him. He wasn't mad at her, not at all. He was grateful she was still here.

Pulling up to the curb in front of the house, he turned to look at her again. This time she met his eyes.
"Let's go inside" he said to her and she nodded in return, letting him pull her gently out of the car and into the house.

Too Late To Say Goodbye | Tommy Shelby {1}Where stories live. Discover now