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Bella sat with Tommy in the front row, watching the hundreds of men pile in.

Her leg wouldn't stop bouncing as she looked around for any sign of danger. She was anxious.

Tommy noticed too, and wanting to help ease her mind a little, he placed his right hand on her leg. She turned to face him and when she did he started to rethink everything about her being here.
He didn't trust anyone enough to protect her, and he needed to be here. He also knew she would have never agreed to stay home.

"Sorry" she mumbled stilling her leg. "Just a little nervous."

He continued to let his eyes roam the room. "It's okay, love."

Soon the room was filled with ringing Bells and shouting.
Tommy kept his hand where it was as he leaned forward to speak with Arthur, who was sitting to his left.

"Where's Solomons?" Arthur asked taking another swig of his flask.

"Apparently he doesn't watch."

Arthur scuffed "look at those men. They don't know fighting. I know it, you know it. Don't trust these bloody men!"

"It's the pills and drink that's spooking you brother." Tommy told him, he couldn't have him all riled up in case something happened.

"Are you alright, Arth?" Bella leaned forward the best she could, trying to hear their conversation. It was obvious that Arthur used more than usual tonight.

"He's alright." Tommy answered for his brother. Bella looked at him, then to Arthur and back again. Hesitantly she nodded, letting it go turning her attention back to the match.

The two boys are going back and forth for quite some time now. Although she knew who was going to win, they were putting on a good show. Her mind wandered to Vinny, who was waiting in the back. Still finding it hard to believe he went behind Luca's back to help her and Tommy.
She doesn't know what will happen when all of this is over, but she hopes to somehow keep him in her life.
She's already lost him once and didn't want to do it again.

"Where the fuck are they going?!" Arthur questioned, hearing the anger and urgency in his voice put Bella on edge.

"Arthu-" Tommy tried to warn him but before he got to finish, he had already stood up to follow the men from the other side of the room.

Tommy watched him leave, not sure what the best move was. He knows his brother and knows he's not very rational, especially when on snow.

"Go after him."

He turned to his fiancé. She nodded in the direction his brother went.
"Polly and Johnny are both right here. I'll be safe. Go make sure Arthur is too."

Tommy's jaw clenched, leaving her wasn't apart of his plan, but neither was Arthur getting high and going after possibly innocent or dangerous men.

So eventually, he nodded. Kissing her forehead. "I'll be right back."

"Please be safe." She told him watching as he stood up heading in the direction Arthur went a few moments earlier.

Bella bit the inside of her cheek as she tried to concentrate on the match in front of her. But when Tommy and Arthur didn't return right away, her anxiety grew with every moment passing.

She let her eyes scan the room, and eventually they landed on Polly who sat on the other side of the ring. Her aunt was looking back at her, and eventually Bella decided she couldn't sit there any longer and nodded towards the way the brothers went. Telling Polly to come as well.

Of course Polly didn't even hesitant, and followed Bella's silent directions, pulling out the small hand gun she kept in her bag.
"Where are they?" She asked as soon as the two were out of the main room.

Too Late To Say Goodbye | Tommy Shelby {1}Where stories live. Discover now