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She didn't leave that bedroom for days.

Tommy has barely been in to see her. He came back later that night, after his meeting at Charlie's Yard, but Bella was already asleep.

He stayed and watched her sleep for a few minutes before deciding to leave and sleep else where.
Other than that he would stop in a few times a day to check in on her but wouldn't say much and He never stayed long, only giving her a soft kiss on the forehead before leaving.

When she would ask him questions all she got in return was one word answers and no details.

She missed him. This wasn't her Tommy. And the not knowing made her more anxious about the situation. She wanted to help.

Her injury stopped her from being apart of the business, and Tommy told her that Linda has volunteered to watch over Charlie since she's healing.

Bella tried to think of reasons as to why Tommy was so distant. He's been like this since she came home from the hospital. But when she confronted him, he told her that the vendetta and the threat of strikes makes it too dangerous for her. That she needed to stay here.

She's fallen into a pit of depression. Her only company in the room was Baby, who never left her side.
If she was laying on the bed, so was he. If she was standing looking out at the streets, so was he.

Currently Bella laid on her right side, facing the door. Her left shoulder was almost healed, another week and she'll be fully recovered. Just with a few sores and movement restraints.

A soft knock on the door tore her away from her thoughts.
"Come in" she called in a small voice, she didn't have much energy lately

It slowly opened, revealing Polly coming in with a small tray of soup. She looked worn, but concerned for the girl laying in bed.

"I brought you some soup, sit up." She gently told her.

Bella sighed and carefully moved her body into an upright position, allowing for Polly to sit next to her on the bed.

"I'm not hungry." Bella told her

Polly looked her over, her dark bags under her eyes and her tired face had her worried. "It'll do you some good."

Playing with her fingers, "how's Michael?" She asked wanting to change the subject away from herself.

Her aunt caught onto this, but answered anyways "he's getting better. Still in recovery at the hospital, but he could move around on his own more."

She bit her lip and nodded "good...I'm so sorry that happened Pol."

Polly sighed, placing the soup on the bed side table. Then wrapped her arms around the girl. Any grudge she held against the girl was gone, she was in just as much pain as the rest of them.

"It's not your fault doll, I'm glad you're getting better. Michael's glad you weren't more injured than you are."

Bella nodded not having words.

"How are you and Tommy?" Polly asked. She had agreed to help her nephew again, because Michael wants her too. But after this vendetta is over, she's leaving for good.

Bella shrugged her good shoulder, sniffling. "Doesn't really talk to me, been Pushing me away. I can tell."

Polly knew it had something to do with Vinny. She knew about his past with Bella and she knew that he is now with the Changretta's. And she felt sorry for the girl, her emotions were taking a toll on her.

"We have a meeting coming up at the hospital with Michael, I'll speak with him. Now how's your baby?" Polly asked

Bella's stomach dropped when she said that, trying to play it off, turning to look at the pup laying calmly next to her on the bed.
"He's fine, keeps me company."

Too Late To Say Goodbye | Tommy Shelby {1}Where stories live. Discover now