6|| can you give me your hand?

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Ember's POV

Why am I nervous? Why am I shaking? I feel like I can't breathe, I've never met up with someone I met online. I know how I present myself on the internet but I'm so far from who that person is. I'm shy, quiet, and alone, not outgoing like I am on Wattpad.

And, what if Drew isn't who she says she is? What if she's a forty-year-old man? Everyone warns you not to make friends online because you might get kidnapped or something. Although, I wouldn't actually mind that at this point... I mean, what am I doing? Who do I think I am? Giving out my address to a complete stranger. I haven't even heard her voice. Fuck, I am getting kidnapped, arent I?

I throw a hoodie over my white cami, leaving my sweatpants on. I truly don't care how I look, I never do. It's hard to care when you hardly have a will to live. I get a text telling me Drew is two minutes away. I step in front of my mirror, taking a few deep breaths before grabbing my phone and walking down the steps, seeing my parents sitting on the couch. Shit, I forgot about them. "Ember?" My mom asks as I walk through the living room, towards the front door.

"Yes?" I turn around slowly.

"Where do you think you're going at 10 pm?" Dad asks in a threatening tone.

"Out?" I answer although it sounds more like a question.

"With who and where?"

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I read a text, reading, 'i'm here.'

"It doesn't matter," I shrug, turning to open the door.

"Get back here right this instant young lady!" Dad shouts loudly and I don't even stop to think for a second before dashing out the door.

"EMBER," I hear both my parents yelling as I open the passenger door, not bothering to look at the vehicle or the person beside me.

"Drive," I tell her, out of breath. There's a rush of adrenalin as Drew speeds down the road, but my hands start to shake when I look up at her. Her eyes are concentrated on the road but when she takes a quick glance at me I suddenly feel dizzy.

My breathing doesn't relax, only picking up. Shit, not a panic attack right now! I try not to make it visible as I grab my thighs, squeezing tightly in an attempt to ground myself but nothing feels real. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster as I squeeze my eyes shut. It can't be...Can it? Billie?

I hear 'Drew' say something but can't understand it past the buzzing in my ears.

I open my eyes when I feel the car come to a stop and the engine shuts off. The car is parked behind a familiar gas station. I don't dare look her way. "Ember? Can you give me your hand?"

My head snaps and her eyes meet mine. "You lied to me," I practically whisper.

"I'm sorry, I had to," she apologizes softly and I feel like I'm about to burst. There are many many emotions and feelings swirling through my entire body making me nauseous.

"Ember," she whispers, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?" My whisper sounded more like a shy squeal.

"Look, I've read all your stories and I feel like I know you. I couldn't not meet you, I had to. Every ounce in me just wants to hold you," she explains, a slight waver at the end of her sentence.

My face turns red with embarrassment. Thee Billie Eilish read my fanfictions about her. "I-I need a minute," I stutter, opening up the car door to get some fresh air. I step outside the car, leaning against the gas station wall, taking deep breaths.

I know I'm acting melodramatic here but it's Billie. Billie motherfucking Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell! She's in a car in front of me, she's been messaging me for days as 'Drew', and she's read all my books. She fucking lied to me. I was just starting to trust someone again.

"Please give me your hand," she breaks my thoughts and only now do I realize I was sitting on the concrete ground with my back against the wall. With a shaky hand, I hesitantly place it in hers. Her fingers lace with mine as I stare forward. The simple action makes me let out a deep breath. "Stand up please," she asks in the most melodic, soft voice, using my hand to help me stand up.

I stand there frozen, unable to move any muscle in my body. I feel...angry? Sad? Betrayed? Embarrassed? But at the same time I feel, safe, proud, and happy? I can't fucking move, why can't I move? Without a word, I feel her arms wrap around me. She's so soft and she smells better than I could have imagined. I had to swallow the burning sensation in my throat, there's no way I'm about to cry in her arms. "Ember, I just want you to be okay," she whispers into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine and a shaky breath escaping my lungs.

"I can't believe this is happening," I whisper, gently shaking my head. This has to be a dream, right?

Billie pulls away, just a few inches. The sound of passing traffic envelopes us as I watch her scan my face. Her delicate blue eyes trace down from my forehead to my nose, then my lips, my cheeks, and down my hair until they reach my neck.

"These are pretty," she smiles softly, one of her fingers looping into my necklaces.

I couldn't help but blush. "Thanks, I never take them off," I told her, a sheepish tone leaving my lips as my eyes stayed glued to hers.

"Do they mean something?"

"N-no," I shake my head. "Can you take me home please?" I rip my eyes from hers, averting them to the concrete under my feet. The longer I look at her, the more embarrassed I feel.

"Is that really what you want, Ember?"

"Yeah," I nod my head slowly, wiping away a tear that was threatening to fall.

"Okay," she sighs in defeat before walking back into the car, sitting down in the driver's seat. I take a moment to look at the car. It's not her's, at least it's not her challenger. I make my way into the car, staring out the window as she drives me back home.

I never thought that I'd ever meet Billie; but I sure as hell didn't think that if I did, I'd feel defeated.


A/N: This chapter was sooooo fucking hard to write because I didn't know how I wanted things to play out. I mean, think of the thousands of emotions that would be going through Ember's head... I tried my best but anyways, now that this impossible chapter is out of the way, I think updates will be faster.

Words: 1187

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