8|| two nights

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A/N: Some of you didn't get the notification for chapter 7 so make sure you read that before reading this! :)

Billie's Pov
*2 nights later*

"Where do you want to go?" I asked Drew, turning the music down.

"It's two am, how about sleep?" She rolled her eyes.

"Drew! I asked you if you wanted to go on a late-night drive, this is a late-night drive!"

"You asked that at eleven pm, it's been nearly three hours, it is now early morning," she yawned.

"Fine, but we're getting Taco Bell first because I'm hungry," I told her, glancing at her for a second as we reached a red light, chuckling as she leaned her head against the window sleepily. I turned the music back up, drumming lightly on my steering wheel as I waited for the light to turn green. My eyes met a body that was sleeping on top of a bench placed on the sidewalk.

I squinted my eyes, trying to get a better look at- Ember?

I quickly pulled aside to the curb, confirming that it is in fact my Ember asleep on a bench. I felt my entire body crumble with heartache, her head resting on a black duffle bag. "What are you doing?" Drew mumbled, half asleep at this point.

I didn't bother responding, instead, getting out of my car, and running up to the bench. I kneeled down in front of it, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Ember, darling, wake up," I spoke quietly trying my best not to startle her.

"Billie?" She mumbled groggily as her eyes slowly fluttered open. "How did you find me?"

"I was just on a dr- Wait, that's not important! What the fuck are you doing sleeping on the street?"

She sat up, placing her hands in her lap as she stared at the concrete ground. "I might have sort of ran away," she muttered, biting her lip out of nerves.

"Drew is in the car but I can drop her off at her house and you can come to mine for the night and-"

"Bring me to my parent's house please," she interrupted me, her voice sounding so weak and exhausted.

"But, you clearly don't feel safe there so-"

"Billie," she snapped loudly, finally making eye contact. "Just bring me to the house," she demanded.

I sighed in defeat before nodding my head and grabbing her duffle bag. I would take her to my place but technically that would be kidnapping and it's still probably not a great idea to give her my address even though I completely trust her 100%.

By the time Ember and I got back into my car, Drew was fast asleep. The ride to her house was silent, I could tell she didn't want to speak so I decided to give her time and space to process. I just wish she would have come to me. I'm lucky I found her, god knows what could have happened to her on those streets...unless something already did. Fuck, I hope I found her on time!

I pull up to her house and before I can even put my car in park, she has slammed my door shut and is running into her house.

I wish she would just talk to me.

Ember's POV

I feel guilty not talking to Billie, but to be completely honest, I haven't really slept for two nights and I am exhausted. I didn't feel like getting into a deep and intimate conversation while being tired and with Drew asleep in the front seat.

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