37|| declined

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A/N: Sorry for the really long pause from writing I took. I had some extreme writer's block. This chapter might end up being shitty so forgive me, please.

I'm trying to decide how long I want this book to be and I need your help. I don't want to drag it on too long because I don't want it to get boring. It could have 40 chapters and feel complete or I could expand it to possibly 55 or 50. What do ya'll want?

Also when this book is finished I'm going to focus on 'Death Wish' and I'm excited about that one too!


"You hungry baby?" Billie asks, her legs placed over my lap as I scroll through my phone.

"Kinda," I shrug as a notification pops up on my screen. It's a text from... Harley.

"What do you wanna eat? I could make us something or order food?"

"Um, what do you want?" I mumble, distracted as I read over the text message.

Harley: Hey :) wanna hang out?

"I don't know, that's why I asked you. We could have Taco Bell again but I get the feeling you're getting sick of it so I figured that maybe- Are you even listening to me?"

"Huh?" I looked up from my phone, "sorry, I just got a text from that Harley girl. Y'know the one on tour."

"Oh? What does she want?"

"To hang out," I pursed my lips together, still looking at Billie in an attempt to read her facial expression.

"Did you want to hang out with her?"

"I dunno," I shrugged, "I mean, I obviously need friends but she was lowkey hitting on me and I don't really care for weed but maybe we would have more in common than I think if I actually hung out with her? What do you think?"

"Well, I hate the fact that she's hitting on my girl and if she continued to do that I'd wanna have a word with her but I can't tell you what to do. Maybe hanging out once to see what she's like wouldn't be a bad thing?"

"Yeah, maybe," I nod, thinking about how to reply. "What if I meet up with her at a coffee shop or something this afternoon?"

"Go for it, but call me immediately if she tries anything," Billie narrows her eyes at the end of her sentence."

"Promise," I smirked before typing out a response.

"So, Taco Bell?"

"Yeah, sure," I smiled softly, setting my phone down beside me.

Not long later Billie and I were eating our burritos as we rambled about anything and everything; the tv on in the background. I had planned to meet Harley at a local coffee shop at 3:00 pm. I'm a little nervous about it but I know I need to step out of my comfort zone and at least try to make an effort.

"When do you think the publishing company will get back to you?" Billie questioned as she threw away the trash from the Taco Bell.

"I don't know. In the e-mail, they said they wanted to meet me in person but I don't know if they're aware that I'm back in LA," I shrugged.

"You should e-mail them and let them know."

"Yeah, maybe I-"

I was cut off by Billie's phone ringing on the coffee table in front of me. "Who is it?" Billie asked. I picked up her phone, reading the contact.

"It says it's an unknown number," I told her as she came back around and sat next to me on the couch.

"Weird," she shrugged, declining the call before placing her phone back down and laying herself across the couch with her head in my lap. My fingers instinctively began brushing through her dark strands of hair.

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