Reminiscence I - Bubbles The Bellhop

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Art by Gl1tch3dOracle on Twitter (a.k.a me) •

Chapter release - 18/03/2022 •



Your father sighed, sinking into his seat. Maybe he should've gotten a babysitter for you. But you had just seemed so excited to go with him and he couldn't say no.

But here the two of you were, him gripping the steering wheel tightly while you kicked your legs back and forth in your booster seat. Your two favourite plushies grasped tightly in your tiny hands. A little monkey you had called Bubbles and a hand-sewn duck that had appeared out of nowhere one day (aptly named Ducky).

"Almost there, kiddo" He flicked on his indicator, taking a turn. His mind was instantly eased as the silhouette of the hotel came into view.

Admittedly it was a rather lavish hotel. Tall, made out of dark brick with intricately carved details decorating every ledge and corner. Bright lights illuminated the outside and warm lights spilled out through the windows. Large shrubs lined the garden walls surrounding the tall spire. Even and level to just below the lowest windows.

Your kicking and questioning quieted and soon as your dad pulled up into the parking lot, instead, you chose to press your face against the car window as hard as you could, hoping to catch every little detail of the building.

Your dad was just grateful all your complaining had stopped.

The inside was even grander than the outside. Marble walls with carpeted floors, bright lights and chandeliers hung from the ceiling while a smooth and polished looking oak desk sat in the corner. A sign pointed further down the hall, something about free breakfast, but you were too busy looking everywhere at once to really care. With Bubbles and Ducky clasped firmly in one hand while you dragged your little suitcase with your other hand, you were too occupied to listen to who your dad was talking to.

A short person with a warm aura manned the front desk, all smiles and jokes as they happily gave your father the keys to your room. Soon enough the two had struck up a conversation about the best times to go down to the restaurant for breakfast and dinner to miss the rush and you honestly zoned out at that point, more interested in letting your eyes wander around the admittedly empty lobby.

Across the room, an elevator dinged open. A rather tall and lanky man with tussled, hickory-brown hair and bright eyes entered the lobby, bellhop trolley and all. He made a beeline to where you and your dad was standing and immediately started carefully packing all your luggage. Meanwhile, you were infatuated with his bright and shiny uniform. A stark crimson colour with golden highlights and shiny buttons complete with a boxy hat almost hidden by his hair.

On his chest, a nametag cheerfully informed everyone that his name was Sam.

Sam noticed your staring almost immediately, turning to you with a bright smile and cheery wave before returning to his task. You shyly waved back, not that he could see with his back facing you. It was at this moment you noticed several streaks of lighter brown decorating his hair. It looked cool, your child brain thought. How cool would it be to have hair that was too different colours?

You tussled your own hair, still the same colour and boring as always.

"You have cool hair, mister" You spoke up, pointing at the bellhop's hair. He looked around like he was wondering if you were talking to him before giving you that same, cheery smile.

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