Reminiscence II - Dark Days In School

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Art by ILoveTheWayYouDraw on DeviantArt •

Chapter release - 25/03/2022 •

Slight trigger warning (tw) earlier in the chapter for violence


"C'mon, kiddo! You'll be fine" Your dad tried to usher a little seven year old you through the door, but it seems like today you were just not having it.

"No! The other kids are mean to me! I wanna stay home with Mama and Agatha!" Your dad sighed. If you kept this up he would end up being late for work. Again. This time around he was a bit more worried about losing his job than your questionably imaginary friends.

"Look, kiddo. I love you, but I gotta get to work" He picked you up, struggling to lock the door behind him with a squirming child in his grasp. He walked the two of you down to just past the fence of your little suburban house before letting you free.

"You know the way, please walk with a group and I'll be back to pick you up at the end of school. Remember, we're having your favourite for dinner tonight" He sighed at the angry pout you gave him, eventually turning away and stomping down the path.

Your father sighed and merely started his walk to the bus stop. He didn't get enough sleep for today, but he had to provide for you and he would try his damned hardest to do so.

Meanwhile, all your anger was fading to fear. You didn't want to face all the kids at your school, much less so the relentless bullying you were dealt. You had no idea why everyone hated you with a passion, they just did. It seemed every school you went to, someone had to spread rumours about you, and you ended up feeling the consequences for something you didn't do.

It was late by the time you arrived. Not late enough that you wouldn't miss your first class, but late enough so that you were a part of the trickle of kids that barely made it in time. Your worries had started to dissipate by the time you made it halfway to your classroom. Normally, the throng of kids who loved to torment you the most would've jumped you by now, so maybe you were in the clear.

As you thought this, though, your hopes were immediately dashed.

A hand grabbed you by your bag, dragging you into a nearby bathroom. A group of fourth-graders sneered down at you, maliciousness twinkling in their evil, little eyes. You, being a small and admittedly undersized second grader didn't stand a chance.

Before you could even try to scream for help, they started beating the living crap out of you. Kicking and hitting and scratching, blood welling up from the numerous cuts and lacerations on your arms with many more spots on your body ready to bruise horribly for the next week or so.

"Look at the little freak!" One jeered above everyone else. They all laughed at this remark, and despite how often you heard it, you still cried. What made you a freak? You didn't look any different from all the other kids! Sure, you were a little small, but that didn't mean anything!

"How does it feel to be a loser?" They all laughed again while you kept crying. The leader of the gang kicked you in the stomach, almost making you through up.

"I can see why your mum died! Who'd want to raise a disappointment like you?"

"Their mum probably died so she didn't have to raise them" Another bout of cackling. At this point you just tried to cover your ears, to make everything stop. But you couldn't. They kept mocking and teasing and kicking you to the ground

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