Chapter 3 - Deadly Decadence

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Art by ILoveTheWayYouDraw on DeviantArt •

Chapter release - 6/04/2022 •

Sorry for the wait, but I had several things I had to take care of in my personal life so the update schedule is probably gonna be shifted to account for this hiccup. The reminiscence part to this chapter is probably also going to be delayed by a day or two •

Also this chapter gave me a bit of a headache because unlike all the other levels, I could not get a moment of peace with those damn Gold Watchers •


Compared to the other nightmares you had visited, this one seemed pretty calm, location wise anyway. Sure, the Murder Monkeys were rather hospitable, but the hotel gave you the shivers, and Agatha Elementary didn't look all too welcoming despite the banners. This place, however, almost soothed your nerves.

The gravel beneath your shoes, the pleasant nighttime breeze, the ambience of the wind in the trees plus the quiet humming of your best friend beside you. Oh, and the humming beneath your skin coming from your new ability.


Agatha seemed all too excited, momentarily forgetting her searing hatred for Bierce to chatter to you about all the new games you could play with her now. You had a feeling it would be like this for every ability you got from now on.

"Keep your eyes open, love. The statues in this place are awfully lifelike."

Nice and vague, just as Bierce liked. Your eyes zeroed in on the golden statue of some sort've old fashioned sailor, cravat and all.

"Hey, Agatha? Who lives in this nightmare?" The little child cocked her head at you, the faint starlight twinkling in her eyes.

"The gold watchers! They're like my uncles. They can be a bit mean, though" She waved the hand that wasn't holding yours around, mainly motioning to the statue in front of you.

"They're statues that can move faster than me if you're not looking at them," You felt yourself die a little inside. You knew Agatha was fast, incredibly more so than any other human alive, so how fast were these fucking golden weeping angels?

The two of you walked through another pair of towering gates, greeted with the vision of perfectly cut lawns coupled with stone torches blazing with a warm fire. In the centre of the garden sat a statue upon a podium constructed of pale gold.

"I wonder who does the landscaping here. Very impressive." You had to agree with Bierce. The landscaping was indeed impressive. You settled your gaze on the statue.

'So, these are the Gold Watchers?' You narrowed your eyes as you passed, walking backwards as Agatha opened the gate. You turned back to face her, and in the split second you turned away, giggles and footsteps crunching on gravel sounded in your right ear.

The moment you turned back (which was less than three seconds, mind you) the statue was gone. Nowhere to be seen with not a footprint in sight.

This was... not going to be fun.

The double gates opened up to reveal a maze of hedges, shrubbery towering above you both. If it weren't for the occasional lit flame illuminating the paths you wouldn't be able to see your own hands in front of you, the moonlight barely making it through the green walls.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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