Chapter #9

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Felix lay on his bed with a silly smile on his face. He was replaying the time he'd had with Marinette at the bakery the first time. 

It was 7 AM and Nathalie had just come in to wake him up. His head felt foggy. He'd barely gotten any sleep.

He got dressed and trudged out to the table. A plate of pastries and fruits lay before him.

Nathalie sat next to him. She was typing something frantically on her tablet.

He took an éclair from the plate and began chewing. He offered the plate to Nathalie, but she didn't seem to notice.

He glanced at the tablet. She pulled it against her chest.

"Felix. You're going to be late. I've arranged for Marinette Dupain Cheng to walk with you," she said calmly.

"Thank you, Nathalie," he said casually, even though he felt anything but casual.

"Be sure to thank her for the pastries," Nathalie added, as he walked out of the door.
He'd barely turned the corner when he heard, "Hey Felix!"

He almost flinched. Almost.

"Gosh, you nearly made me drop my food!" he snapped, "You can't just sneak up on people like that!"

Marinette giggled, "Sorry! I thought you saw me!"

"I didn't,"

She ignored that, "So, I thought about what you said, about Adrien being able to have his own free time and not needing a babysitter,"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. It was a little harsh—"

"You were right. You probably don't know this— and you can't tell anyone— but I used to do exactly that,"

He smirked, "I can tell,"

"Shut up," she said jokingly, "Anyways, I used to make these plans to try and make sure he fell for me and only—"

He chuckled.

"Stop laughing!" she said with a pout, "It's not funny!"

"And how long ago did this obsession start?"

"It's not an obsession," she argued.

"Fine, when did this hobby start?"

She rolled her eyes, "My crush on Adrien started 3 years ago,"

He snickered, "3 years ago? Wow, either you're an amazing actress, or my cousin is the blindest person alive,"

She poked his ribs, "Adrien isn't blind, he's just, well I don't know. Unobservant,"

"That's an understatement," he muttered.

"And you haven't told anyone, right?" she asked.

"Why would I tell anyone? Do you think I want Chloe knowing about, "the thing"?" he retorted.

She laughed evilly, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder!"

Felix groaned, "Seriously?"

"Seriously," she repeated with a smile.

Suddenly, Alya ran up to them.

"Oh my gosh! Are you guys dating now?" she squealed.

Felix was willing himself not to blush, but he failed. He turned his head so Marinette couldn't see it.

"Wow, is Felix blushing," Alya teased.

"Alya, he's obviously embarrassed from all your weird questions!" Marinette said, scolding the brunette.

Alya shrugged, "Anyways, how was your walk?"

"It was fine," Felix said.

"What was fine? The walk or—"

Felix shot Alya a glare.

"So, Marinette, who was that guy in your room yesterday?" Alya asked her, changing the topic.

She glanced in Felix's direction.

"Felix, can I tell her?" Marinette turned to Felix.

He shrugged, "Sure, go ahead,"

"Okay. Alya! Adrien was in my room yesterday! He's staying!" she exclaimed.

Alya crossed her arms, "Did he apologize to you?"

"Marinette, Adrien knew how much he hurt you. If he didn't apologize, I feel like something's off with that. Don't you think, Felix?" she said, elbowing Felix.

Felix tapped his chin thoughtfully, "Well, maybe he didn't know how to apologize—"

"Felix!" Alya interrupted, she pulled him aside. "You're pushing her in the wrong direction! We're trying to make Felinette sail, not Adrienette! Marinette can't see how crazy she's being!"

"Felinette, Adrienette? Alya, I don't even like her that way," he protested, even though he'd already made a ship name for them. Instead of Felinette, he'd made it Marilix, but he always thought that name sounded kinda stupid.

"Felix, now tell her that Adrien was an idiot for not apologizing!" Alya ordered, shoving him in Marinette's direction.

Felix nearly collided with her. "Marinette, uh—"

"Yeah?" she said.

"Uh, Adrien should have apologized to you. Forget what I said earlier," he blurted.

"Oh, well he seemed guilty when he came," she said.

The bell rang. Alya grabbed Marinette's arm and directed her away from Felix.

Felix walked by himself to Ms. Bustier's class. For some reason, he wasn't annoyed with Alya for assuming he had a crush on Marinette. He could see her as a potential girlfriend.

He sat down next to Marinette and tried to pay attention. It was impossible, he kept sneaking glances at her.

As soon as the bell rang, he nearly knocked over Alya running out.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, even though not much happened, I promise the next chapter will have more action. Here's a snippet of the next chapter. Feel free to try and decipher it. I'm not going to put a song today, because I'm trying to post this before the WiFi gets turned off.

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