Chapter #10

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As soon as Felix got home, he tried to do his homework, but a small part of his brain kept nagging him. That part wanted to go visit Marinette again.

He erased for what must've been the 50th time and pushed his paper aside.

Fractions could wait.

He double-checked that the door was locked and dressed up as Adrien again. He walked out of his room door and nearly fainted when he saw Nathalie.

She was exhausted, and her eyes were glued to her tablet so she didn't even notice him.

He walked slowly out the door but ran like a child when it closed, earning some strange looks from people passing by.

He saw this, and adjusted his posture, and slowed down to a walking pace.

He opened the bakery door and was once again greeted by Marinette's parents.

"Adrien, such a lovely young man, have you come to visit our daughter again?" Tom asked with a wide grin.

Felix nodded, "Umm, yes sir,"

"She's just upstairs," Sabine said.

"Okay, thanks,"

He walked upstairs to find Marinette talking to someone. But no one else was in the room.

He poked his head up just in time to see her kissing a poster on the wall.

"Oh, uh is this a bad time or—"

Marinette backed away from the poster with a flaming red face.

"A-adrien! I didn't expect you to be here so soon!" she stammered.

Felix did his best not to laugh at the bluenette. She was so cute when she was embarrassed and flustered like that. He wasn't about to tell her that though. He just thought of exactly what Adrien would say if he got into the situation somehow.

"Is that a poster of me?"

Marinette blushed even more, "N-no, it was uh...fine, yes it was a poster of you,"

"And why were you kissing it?" he asked with a smirk.

The bluenette was basically a tomato as she answered, "B-because, it's for a project, we have at school! You have to step out of your comfort zone and kiss something. Which you wouldn't know, because you're not at school!"

Felix nodded in a confused manner. "Okay then,"

"Yeeah, anyway, why are you here again?"

It was Felix's turn to blush, "I just wanted to see you, my father found out about me not going on the trip so he's installed security cameras everywhere to make sure I stay in my room," he lied.

"Oh, that's terrible!" she said.

He nodded, "Yeah, but uh I managed to sneak out,"

"You're so awesome," she said in a soft voice, "I-I mean it's awesome, it's awesome that you managed to say no to your father!"

"Thanks, Marinette," he said genuinely, "He can be a real pain,"

She nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I agree," then she realized what she'd said, "I-I mean—"

"I know what you meant Marinette," he said quickly, "I have to go, I have home— I have to go home!" he quickly corrected himself.

He started to get up but Marinette stopped him, "Adrien, could you help me with my homework?"

No, because how am I supposed to finish mine if I'm helping you?

He sat down in one of her spinning chairs, spinning it back and forth every so often.

"Okay, what don't you understand?" he asked, it was simple math, it'd be easy to teach her.

"Ms. Bustier says that you have to carry the two, but that never gets me the right answer," she lamented.

He took her pencil and glanced at her paper. "Maybe if you didn't doodle all over your work, then you'd understand it,"

She laughed. It was a fake laugh, but she didn't know what to say to that.

"You have to add the 3.5 first, then carry the two. It's pretty simple," he said.

She snatched the pencil out of his hand and began working through the problems.

"For that one, you have to multiply x by y to get your answer," he explained.

Beads of sweat began to appear on her forehead.

"Marinette," he said gently.

She didn't respond, she was too focused on the 10th question.

10th out of 30 questions.

"Marinette, how about we take a break?" he suggested.

Marinette pushed her chair back, spinning it around, "Yes please!" she blushed, remembering who she was with, "I-I mean,"

"Marinette, just be yourself around me, is there anything I could do to make you feel more comfortable around me?" he asked.

She sighed, "Sorry, I'm just nervous,"

"Nervous? Why would you be nervous around me?" he asked, in the most Adrien way he could.

She giggled, "I'm just nervous I'm going to fail math class,"

"Marinette," he said, spinning the chair around, "You're not going to fail, I promise,"

"You can't prevent me from failing Adrien," she said, resting her head on the back of the chair.

"I definitely can," he said with a smirk, "I'll just talk Ms. Bustier into not failing you,"

"Sure, like that'll work," she drawled, "I always do well on exams. Ms. Bustier won't even believe you,"

"I could help you," he suddenly blurted.

She turned to face him, "Really?"

"Yeah, we could be study buddies," as soon as he said that, he realized how cringey he sounded.

If Marinette ever found out, she'd never let him hear the end of it.

The end.

No, I'm kidding, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Maybe....maybe in the next chapter Felix will discover his feelings for Marinette.

But for now, they're "study buddies"

~ randomshipper ~

~ 922 words ~

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