Chapter #11

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*read a/n at the end*

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Felix got home 3 hours later. He'd had a blast with Marinette.

As he walked through the door, he felt a strange sensation. Almost as if someone was watching him. He looked around cautiously but saw no one.

He tiptoed upstairs but flinched when a hand hit his shoulder.

It wasn't a slap or anything, just a soft tap.

He turned around fearfully. If it was Gabriel, he was toast. Same with Nathalie.

"Felix! What are you doing?" his mother hissed. Before he could answer, she pulled him into her room to make sure Gabriel couldn't hear her.

Felix couldn't lie to his mother. But he wasn't about to tell her the truth either.

"Felix," she said, tapping her foot impatiently. She fixed his hair.

"I was taking a walk," he mumbled.

Amalie crossed her arms, "Felix, don't lie to me. You know you can trust me,"

He sat down on the rocking chair his mother had ordered, "I was taking a walk,"

"Is there a girl?" Amalie asked out of the blue.

He scoffed."That's ridiculous. Why would I dress up as Adrien for a girl?" but as soon as he said it, his cheeks flushed.

Amalie didn't say anything. She just studied Felix's face. As soon as he saw her squinting, he knew it was over for him.

She opened her mouth to speak, but Felix quickly interrupted.

"Mom, I know what you're going to say—" he started, but Amalie stopped him.

She sat down beside him, on her pale yellow settee.

"Felix, I've never told you this. But when I was younger, about your age, I did the same thing you're doing now. Amalie was always the preferred twin," she began, resting her feet on a wooden stool.

"There was this boy, he liked Emelie very much. But the thing is, Emelie didn't like him in that way. She only had eyes for Gabriel," she continued, glancing at Felix.

He nodded as if he was lost in thought. "But I liked him, it was a whole mess. I could barely talk to him, and he barely noticed me,"

"So I pretended to be Emelie to get closer to him. Emelie was conveniently out of town that week," she said with a pitiful laugh. "And you can guess what happened. We were happily dating. In private of course,"

He leaned back on the chair, rocking it back and forth.

"But then Emelie came back. As soon as she found out, she was furious that I'd used her identity to try and get a guy. She made me come clean,"

"And he dumped you, didn't he," Felix guessed.

Amalie shook her head, "No. He understood and we agreed to start over,"

"If I were him I'd dump you. No offense,"

"Well Felix," Amalie said heatedly, "If he had dumped me, you wouldn't be hearing this,"

"It" he asked quietly. Amalie avoided his eyes as she answered. "The— The point is, I—"

She coughed quietly, "You should tell her before it's too late,"

"There is no girl," he said unconvincingly.

"Well," she said sitting up "It's just some advice,"

She shooed him out of the room after a moment of awkward silence.

He walked slowly toward Adrien's room, forgetting his current appearance.

"Felix!" a stern voice called. He turned his head to face Nathalie.

"Nathalie, I—"
She followed his eyes, "Felix. Your presence is requested in the dining room. You might want to change your clothes," she advised, with a look that said we're talking about this later.

"Yes Nathalie," he said blandly. It'd barely been 20 minutes, and already some people knew his secret.

He changed into his regular attire and walked downstairs into the main dining room, where his uncle was seated with his usual glare.

He matched Gabriel's glare, trying to make his uncle feel as uncomfortable as possible.

"Uncle," he said with a snide smile, "Silence won't get you anywhere."

Gabriel cleared his throat, "Felix, it has come to my attention that you've been using my son's image to your advantage."

Felix almost flinched, "I have done no such thing,"

"If I ever see it happen, there will be serious consequences." he interrupted, "Nathalie has informed me that there is a girl involved."

He didn't respond to Gabriel's accusations, "What consequences?"

"Let's just won't be seeing the Dupain-Chengs around Paris anymore," he said, forming a smile with his cracked lips.

"You wouldn't kick them out!" he burst out.

"Why does it matter to you if I kick them out?" he asked. He wasn't looking for an answer. He just enjoyed watching Felix squirm.

Felix glared at Gabriel. He didn't have anything against Gabriel.

[Because he doesn't know about Emelie in the basement, because this is set before S4 and since they are no miraculouses, there'd be no reason to have Emelie in the basement.]

Felix opened his mouth, but Gabriel waved his hand, dismissing Felix.

He trudged upstairs into Adrien's room. He was rarely so angry. Usually, he was calm and clever Felix. But his uncle had gone too far this time.

He sat down on his bed. He was wondering for the millionth time, why was he so concerned and affected by Marinette? After all, she wasn't in love with him, and she was ridiculously clumsy. Sure, she was cute. But so were her friends, why wasn't he concerned about the safety of Zoe? Or any of her other friends? Why her?

[I'm sorry, did that sound weird? I wasn't trying to make that part weird]

He thought about it for a while. He already knew the answer, but he dug through his mind for another possibility.

Nope. It was finally clear for him.

Felix was in love with Marinette.

~ 1003 Words ~

Finally! By the way, just wanted to clarify, that after watching strike-back and seeing the chaos in there.....well let's just say, this fanfic takes place before S4. I chose the song I won't say I'm in love, because until now, Felix wouldn't say he was in love.

~ luklovely

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