Awkward encounters

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Chapter 7

It's been a few weeks and I'm slowly starting to get into the routine of life again. The only odd things are still trying to survive with out Mum and Dad, and my special encounter with Kyle. I just try to ignore him lately, I will not stress over him or blow it out to something that it isn't.

Tonight my friends insisted that they had to take me out for tea seeing as Maddie is at a friends place again. I jump into Mark's car when it pulls up, as I buckle myself in I turn and smile at my friends. Chris is in the back with Megs and Laura, I glance at the driver and smile awkwardly at him. Mark smiles back at me before focussing on driving. I didn't realise he was coming, I've felt awkward around him since the night I spent at Chris and his place. We talk quietly about random things and I look outside when we turn into the Maccas car park.

"Yes! I love you guys" I smile at them all and as soon as the car is parked I jump out and run into the Mac Donalds resteraunt. I wait impateintly in line as my friends catch up with me. Jack, Hayden and Jay are finally here too, they cut in line before me and I frown at them.

"You can't do that", I whine at them.

"Yes we can cause we just did" Hayden replies and all three of them stick out their tongues at me like the children they were.

When I finally get to order, I get heaps of food I'm going to be a pig today. I pull out my purse when Mark adds to the order and pays for it. I smile at him and grab my food and head to the booth were the rest of my friends are sitting. I slide into the corner of the booth and Mark sits next to me.

"Thanks for the food" I smile at Mark and he smiles back at me.

"Whoose idea was it to have tea here?" I ask everyone they all point to Chris and I laugh of coarse, he know how much I love this place and its fatty food.

I open the box my Big Mac is in and lick my lips, I take a huge bite and moan at the taste of the food.

"Can you keep the sounds of your foodgasm to yourself, I'm trying to eat mine and its annoying me?" I laugh at Mark.

"Your just jealous that I'm enjoying my food too much" I state and attempt to take a sip of my strawberry thickshake.

"Ugh it wont come out!" I exclaime loudly drawing the attention of people around us.

"Then suck harder" Jay says in a sudductive voice and we get even more curious glances. My friends all laugh so hard at some peoples faces.

"Okay, I really should have thought before I said anything" I laugh quietly.

My friends all agree and we stayed at Maccas for ages just laughing and talking to each other. Its 11pm and we decide we better leave, we drive to the nearest park and we run to the playground. We look so crazy right now running around acting like we are little kids again. Megs grabs a soccer ball from Marks car and we all kick it around, we decided to play guys verses girls and because there is only three of us girls the guys and going easy letting us take the ball off them. I walk over to Megs and laura and smile evily.

"Laura you and I will distarct the guys so Megs can get the ball" the girls know what I mean and nod in agreement.

Hayden has the ball so I run at him and tackle him to the ground, Megs gets the ball and I run away from Hayden who is sitting on the ground in shock. Laura takes out Jay and Jack, and I head after Mark. I scream and jump on his back and hold on for dear life. Megs kicks the ball past Chris who is guarding the imaginary goals and we scream in victory. The guys are all shocked and grumpy and I smile.

"Girls Rule!" I yell and Laura and Megs agree.

"Do they really?" Mark asks me, as he stops me from falling off his back.

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