The Tag Along

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Chapter 8

I wake up in a very uncomfortable position, thankfully I'm not claustrophobic as well. Mark is laying on me, his arms are still wrapped around me and his head is against my stomach. I laugh not believing that I actually got any sleep at all. I smile and decide to wake him up.




He grabs my hand and groans against my stomach. I giggle and he looks at me frowning slightly, his eyes are barley working as he has trouble focussing on me.

"What is so funny about waking me?" he asks his vioce rough from sleep. I try to ignore how sexy he sounds.

"It's funny 'cause your so cute when you wake up" I answer in a baby voice and then I laugh uncontrollably.

Mark lays back down and sighs. When I finally stop laughing, I shove Mark but he doesn't move. I try to move but my legs have gone numb and Mark arms tighten around me. As much as I'm enjoying this I need to get up before my legs drop off from lack of blood circulation.

"Mark, please let go I can't feel my legs" I whine and now he laughs.

"Nah, I'm comfy"


Mark sighs and gets off of me and I slide off the couch and into the floor. I try to move my legs but the pins and needles hurt too much. I just want to stay on the floor and not move, my legs hurt too much.

"I think you broke my legs" I groan and mannage to stand up. I hoble to the kitchen and Mark just laughs.

I make myself a coffee and walk back into the lounge. I feel Marks eyes on me as I take a sip of my coffee. It's really hot, I place it on the coffee table and turn to face Mark. He is sprawled out on the couch and takes up the whole thing.

"Are you comfortable there?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah, better before you left though" I blush and turn around before he sees it.

I sit on the recliner with my coffee and drink it slowly. I wonder what I should do today? I look around the room, I better clean the house. No fun for me then.
Mark has fallen asleep again and I walk off to my room and get dressed. I put on my favourite skinny jeans a t-shirt. I brush my hair and then put a bennie on. I can't be bothered to put shoes on yet so I just put on some socks.

I walk out to the kitchen and start cleaning stuff up. I finish unpacking the dishwasher and then I fill it with dirty dishes. I wipe down all the bench tops and I walk out and grab the dishes I left in the lounge from last night. I poke Mark again and head back into the kitchen. Once the dishwasher is full I start it and place any other dirty dishes in the sink.

"Well, Maddie can clean the bathroom and her room, I'll vacuum the house, clean the lounge and my room and that should do" I smile to myself and turn around and almost run into Mark.

"Do you talk to yourself alot?" He questions me and I blush a little.

"Yeah, sometimes"

"Kay, do you want to go get a maccas breaky?" Mark asks me and I go to say no cause we had it for tea last night.

"I'll pay" I smile when he says that, and change my mind.


"Haha, you love free food way too much"

"Yep" I say and pop the 'p' and smile I shove my phone in my pocket as Mark grabs his muddy clothes and car keys. I laugh at him he is so not going anywhere dressed like that.

"Hey Mark, I think you should maybe get changed before we go" he looks down at himself and sighs.

"Can I borrow some more stuff?"


Mark comes out in somme shorts and a plain black t-shirt I don't recognise the clothes but that's a good thing I don't want to think about Dad.

"I found them in a bag there new, I hope you don't mind"

"Nah, if you want you can keep them"

We walk out the front door and Mark puts on his thongs that are the only thing he didn't get muddy yesterday because he was running around in bear feet. I head to his car and open the door to get in.

"Hey guys what's up?" I turn and see Kyle who looks cherry, I frown I was hoping he would wake with a hungover.

"We are going to get breakfast" I state as I get in the car. One of the back doors open and I turn to see Kyle get in the car.

"I'm coming too" he laughs at my expression.

"What were you going on a date?"

"N-no, fine you can come but if you annoy me even a little, I will get Mark to kill you" I point at Mark as he gets in the car looking amused, and he smiles at Kyle creepily.

We drive to maccas in silence listening to the radio. Mark parks the car and we hop out, Kyle follows us in and I'm wondering what he wants we haven't hung out like this since when we were little. When we were actually friends, I wonder what has changed.

I get a egg and bacon muffin and so does Mark as well as some hash browns. Kyle sits down with hotcakes and I raise an eyebrow in question.

"What they are great for when your hungover" he drowns them in golden syrup and eats quickly. I try to ignore him and finish off my muffin, I'm still hungry so I take one of Marks hash browns.

"Oi, that was mine" I just smile innocently and take a bite.

"Wow, you must like her to let her take her food. I don't let any chick take my precious food" Kyle says as he stuffs his face with food again.

"I'm just a better person" Mark says in a joking manner.

After we finished eating Mark dropped us off and Kyle ran off barely saying thanks to Mark for the ride. I wave to Mark as he drives of and walk back inside the house, I can not be bothered cleaning anymore. I have to go and pick up Maddie soon. I'll just be lazy until then.



So this is so not edited or anything. I should really write more but meh.





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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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