My hero or a pervet?

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Chapter 5

It's monday morning and I'm walking down the corridor at school, I'm heading to my first class for the day. I keep my head down watching my feet as I walk. I don't want to be noticed by anyone today, I just want to survive the school day. I look up and see Kyle leaning against the door to my English class and I frown. As soon as he sees me he looks away and heads into the classroom.

I walk into the classroom cautiously looking for somewhere to sit. I see a empty spot near the middle of the classroom in between Megs and Hayden. I smile as I walk up to them, then I'm suddenly being tripped over by someones foot. I close my eyes waiting for the floor to magically rush up to me and hit my face, I drop my books as I loose my balence and hear them hit the floor. I open my eyes as I feel somebody catch me, their arms wrap around my waist. I stand up quickly and once i'm firmly on my feet, I see Megs has picked up all of my things and I smile at her. I turn around to thank whoever caught me and I stand there in shock when I see Kyle standing their death glaring blake. He must of been the one who tripped me, Blake looks nervous and turns around and faces the front of the class room. Kyle turns around and looks at me and then moves to walk past me.

"Thanks Kyle" I say quietly and I move away to the desk near megs and sit down.

"That's okay " I hear him say as he walks to the back of the classroom to sit with his friends.

I sit at my desk stunned for a few minutes, I realise this is the second time Kyle has been nice to me. I wonder what is with his bipolar attitude towards me? I grab out the things I need and I turn and look at Hayden.

"What just happened?" I ask him quietly.

"You were just saved by your enemy" Hayden states with a laugh.

"Yeah but why? You hang out with him and his mates sometimes, do you know whats going on? On a normal day he would be the one who tripped me and laughed as I fell" I ask feeling really confused.

Hayden just shrugs as Mr. James walks into the classroom late yet again.


I spent the rest of the day trying to pay attention at school but it doesn't work. I head out to my car and see Maddie and one of her friends, Zoe in the back seat. I had my cast taken off my arm and now I can drive again. I jump in the car and turn and look at them with an eyebrow raised in question. Zoe laughs at me and Maddie smiles and starts to laugh as well.

"Can Zoe stay at ours for the afternoon we have a project together and want to get it started?" Maddie asks after she stopped laughing.

"Yeah that's fine" I say as I start the car and leave the school parking lot.

"What is the project and for what class?" I ask absent mindedly.

"It's for health, we have to make up a healthy eating poster" Zoe explains.

"Oh yeah, I remember doing that" I laugh in memory at how bad it was.

The girls start talking to themselves and I finally drive us home. I tell the girls to help themselves to food, but not to eat to much before tea. I walk out to the back yard of our house and lay down on our old trampoline. I finished a heap of my homework already so I decide I can relax until after tea.

I lay on my stomach as the sun warms my back. I start to think of how I used to lay out here all of the time, Mum or Dad would tell me off and say I'd get skin cancer if I tanned to much. I laugh at the memory but it then turns into a sob. I take deep breaths trying to calm myself, when will thinking of them become easier? I get my emotions under control and roll over onto my back because I could feel myself start to burn.

I lay there for a few more minutes lost in though before I decide that I better go in and start to make tea. I sit up and turn around I see Kyle next door sitting on the deck to his pool that is right next to the fence we share. I think about this morning when he caught me before I hit the ground and I blush a little. I hope he can't tell. Wait why am I blushing. I realise he has the chair he is sitting on turned so he can look into my back yard. How long has he been there! I hope he didn't see me almost start to cry.

"What are you doing?" I exclaim and he just smirks at me.

"Well, I came out here to enjoy the sun and as I came up to sit at my favourite spot, I saw you. Do you know how sexy you look when you are laying down stretched out like that" Kyle says suggestively with a smirk and I feel my stomach flip but then I feel rage burn in me.

"Ugh you dirty pervet, why were you watching me?!" I yell at him but he just laughs.

"What is with you lately? Today you caught me and saved me from falling and now you were just watching me like a pedophile. Are you my hero or a pervet?" I ask him.

"I'm neither. I'm nothing to you" Kyle states suddenly and walks off. I stand there even more confused then before. Maddie opens the back door and calls out to me.

"What's for tea Jade?"

"Um, not sure, I'm coming in to make something though" I answer. I stand and look where Kyle was a few seconds ago and frown, then I walk into the house.



Yay another chapter! I have missed writing so much but I had to make sure I caught up with all of my school work before I could write anything. I know it's only short but I wanted to publish something.

This chapter is dedicated to @moon-pie because she has been reading and voting for this book and this is my way of saying thanks.





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