Guilty or innocent?

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The silver metal got stuck right in the tree behind the three. Only the tip of it. Black letters engraved into the handle, they all saw them. Felix released a breath he didnt know he was holding.


And for once, Changbin felt relief too when he saw the writing. As relieved as you can be with a gun pointed to your head. But that gun got now slowly lowered, the man realizing what he has gotten himself into.

Jisungs mouth hung open, the precision of the throw leaving him speechless. For some reason he felt himself even more attracted to the older. The confident throw, all while having a cold expression.

Now Changbin saw Jisung too, confusion mixed into all the other feelings that were rushing through his body.

What was he doing here? And why was he with...

Minho went over to the tree, walking past them.

"You have a girlfriend right?" The mans facade stayed cold, not one muscle trembling.

Then Minho pulled the dagger out of the tree with a single pull.

He continued. "Oh but you don't care that much about her. It's your little brother you are the most worried about." He stated.

Minho didn't waste any time, he went straight to the point. Bored of beating around the bush and making this a waste of time for them.

And there it was, his eye twitching. Minho smirked.

"Does he know what you do? Buying drugs, lacing them, selling them for more than they are worth? If it only was for his benefit, I maybe could've made an exception for that poor little boy. But no. You spend the money in strip clubs, on girls that aren't your girlfriend. She innocently stays at your home with your brother and watches over him. Isn't she an angel?" Minho played with the dagger in his hands, twirling it a few times.

"She deserves so much better, don't you think so? And so does your brother." Harsh words, the man was shaking. The gun sank more and more.

"I mean we don't have to talk about this I think. You know your brother will be dead by tomorrow if you hurt Felix or any of those guys. Lower the gun."

Slowly he brought it down, then let it fall. It more slipped out of his hands, they were sweaty and he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Jisungie?" Minho nodded his head from Jisung to the guy.

Changbin couldn't even properly hear the nickname, Felix was grinning on the other side.

The danger was gone. And so was the fear of Felix, but not from Changbin.

Jisung went over, pulling the guys hands behind his back. Minho turned his back to them, starting to walk away.

"You know mate, things only get bad when a certain someone sees you're messing with Felix." Minho kept walking, Jisung with the guy right behind him aswell as Changbin and Felix. They had a bit more of a distance.

Then he turned into a very small alleyway. The place seemed strange, nobody around, the buildings all way too close to each other.

"Speaking of him." Hyunjin smiled, walking towards the group of people from the other side.

It was a welcoming smile, scary welcoming.

"Now, you see. One simple question. How could you be this stupid?" Hyunjin was now right in front of him. Jisung let go of him, stepping to the side. For some reason it was an automatic reaction to step to the side and not the back.

He had his imagination of what could come.

And for some reason his mind couldn't let that happen. He had to speak up.

"Minho, you can't." His voice was smaller than he thought it would be.

Minho turned his head, staring at Jisung with wide eyes. Then he chuckled.

"Ah Jisungie, I absolutely can. Hyunjin, continue please." He broke eye contact with Jisung. Marking the end of the discussion.

Jisung knew he had no say in the whole thing.

"So. Next time you think someone is pretty, better not force yourself on to them. Oh I forgot something." Hyunjin pretended to think.

"There will be no next time."

They are way too confident. How often do they do this?

Probably too often.

Jisung shook his head. He looked down to the ground, and he nudged Changbin to look away too.

The shot was barely heard.

A silencer.

The loudest sound was the body dropping down.

Not a shot to hurt, but to kill. Instantly.

A simple headshot can often not be enough.

But anybody could see the skill and training it must've taken Hyunjin to shoot this perfectly. The bullet went right through the skin underneath his eye. Almost at the nose.

So it directly went through the lower brain. The part that is responsible for the processes that cause one to keep living. Right there was the brainstem, the one that keeps the organs functioning automatically.

Loosing it due to the damage of the bullet meant a complete and instantaneous loss of consciousness and life.

A clean shot.

One that Jisung and Changbin hadn't mastered while training yet. Their mouths dropped open, Hyunjin chuckling at the sight.

Jisung was surprised to see Minho being the first one to walk up to the body. He pulled out a towel, pressing it right into the wound.

Making sure the blood doesn't stain the ground.

"And what now?" Changbin whispered.

Felix, who was standing right next to him, reached his hand out and softly touched Changbins. Then he intertwined their fingers, trying to bring Changbin a bit of comfort. The older obviously very shaken and scared.

"Seungmin will be here in a second."

"Who is-"

A car honked, the passage being too small for it to fit into.

"Hyunjin." Minho held on to Jisungs arm, pulling him with him. They were almost running to the car. Hyunjin behind them struggling to pull the corpse with him.

Changbin and Jisung were praying. Praying that nobody had seen this scene.

Minho helped him with lifting the body up and storing it in the trunk of the car. Hyunjin walked around and got into the passenger side.

The others wanted to follow, but Minho stopped them.

"No, I won't drag Jisung and Changbin completely into this. That was enough to see for them. Seungmin. You and Hyunjin go." He closed the trunk.

The car drove away.

And now they were standing there. Changbin couldn't talk.

He physically couldn't bring out one word even though he was trying to.

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