Can't we just talk?

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"You know, if you aren't interested you can just say so."

"No, that is not-"

"Are you sure? Because it really feels like it and if you want to play around get the fuck away from me and find someone else."

"No you know that's not true."

"How would I know? After you ghosted me out of nowhere? Actions speak louder than words."

"I just needed some time Jeongin." Chans face turned in frustration.

"For what Chan? What is it that still bothers you?"

"It's not that fucking easy you know. You're turning my life around, i'm getting put into situations that I do not want to decide in. Constantly I have to go against my morals. Do you think it's fun?" His voice raised, and Chans neck vein appeared.

Jeongin went from angry to quiet.

And Chans eyes widened in horror. "I'm not saying-"

But Jeongin didn't answer what he expected. "Why didn't you just say that? I could've backed off and left you alone. I don't want you to suffer because of me."

"Oh Jeongin." Chan took a step closer to Jeongin, finally closing some of the distance between them. He reached out and brushed over the youngers cheek. "I'm not suffering because of you."

"But, you just said-"

"Yeah, I know. But that is not because of you. I myself made the decision. So I have to go through the consequences of it."

"Do you regret it?"

And when Chan thought about it, he didn't know. Did he regret it?

"If I am honest, I would've preferred if you all wouldn't have blood on your hands. Minho, Felix and you. You are such good, kind hearted people. For me, this is just wrong you know."

"But you know us now? Do you still think we're bad?"

"I don't think you're bad no. Just kids pushed into the wrong direction. Minho was born into this, Lix and you had no choice either. I'm glad you have each other. And of course Hyunjin and Seungmin aswell"

They still stood there, Jeongin resting his head on Chans shoulder while Chan played with the black strands of his hair.

"I wasn't always like this either you know." Chan whispered.

Jeongin hummed, encouraging Chan to keep speaking.

"I had a time, when I was madly in love with a woman who had nothing good in her mind. But when I was a teen, she was adrenaline. We drove around town at night with my old bike, watched sunsets on the cliffs and partied and got shitfaced every weekend until the sun came up."

Chan took a deep breath.

"She cheated on me though, seeking for more. I caught them, it was also at a club. I beat that guy up, couldn't really stop myself anymore once I had started from all the alcohol I had in my blood."

Jeongin pulled away, taking Chans arm to move them to the couch. There he leaned into Chan, humming again.

"I beat that guy hospital ready, not really proud of that. And I only stopped because I was pulled back by a man. Turned out to be the club owner and Minhos dad. Him and Minho talked some sense into me and let me crash on a couch in the staff only room to sober up."

Chan smiled. "I recognized him right away in the questioning room when we had caught him for the first time, I never knew who had saved me from big trouble that night." Then he chuckled. "Imagine how I felt when I realized it was the biggest criminal we were searching for."

"I never would've thought, big and scary head of the police department fighting." Jeongin chuckled, moving to stare at the man in front of him, who was looking at his feet.

"Those were times I am not proud of, in restless nights I always wish I could just turn back time."

"Your past doesn't define you Channie, it happened, you can't change it anymore."

"I hate that. It makes me sad."

"Then let me fix that." Jeongin leaned in closer, sliding his fingers to Chans chin to push his face up.

He heard the silent gasp.

"You're really sweet Chan, the sweetest person i've ever met." Chans eyes were fixed on him, turning bigger with the praise, it sticking like honey.

Jeongin took it as his cue to continue. "You inviting me for a drink when I was down, oh I melted on the spot. Such a gentleman, you were so kind and listened to me." Chans lips parted. Carefully Jeongin spoke further. "Isn't my Channie the cutest?" He held his breath, unsure how the older would react.

"Do you think so?" His eyes now shiny, Jeongin saw his own reflection in them.

"Oh Channie, yes I think so." Chans face was only centimeters away now. "So don't worry about your past, stay here, in the presence, where you are with me."



"Can we- I mean can you- I mean-"

"What is it love?"

Chan exhaled shakily. "Can you kiss me?"

"I would love nothing more Channie." With that Jeongin leaned in, ghosting a hot breath over Chans lips. He felt the shudder of the other through the hand on his neck, the pulse under his fingers getting faster.

Gently, allowing Chan to pull back if he wanted to, Jeongin placed his lips on Chans. Just barely a touch, and he felt Chan melt back into the couch.

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