Permission (to kill)

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A/N : the bold writing is the translation<3

"Mais, est-ce que tu pense que c'est possible?"

But, do you think that is possible?

"Minho, nous avons été informés de ce qui s'est passé, Seungmin nous l'a montré. C'est horrible, if you don't do it we will."

Minho, we heard of what happened, Seungmin showed us. It's horrible, if you don't do it we will.

"Are you serious right now?"

"Minho, you're like a son to me, ils avaient l'intention de te tuer, plus your significant other. We are one in this circle, they betrayed us all."

, they planned to kill you,

He went on. "I've been suspicious of them anyways, especially with the way they eyed you at the meeting. And you're proving to be one of the real ones again. Demander la permission."

Asking for permission.

"Of course, I know how it works here. I don't know if they believed they could outsmart you. Even if they managed to kill me, did they think there wouldn't be any consequences?"

"The attempt was more than enough. Wanting to take down one of my best men like that. Now they will see what happens."

The man on the phone sighed, then continued.

"Mais n'oubliez pas qu'ils sont toujours à l'affût."

But don't forget, they're always watching.

"And Minho, your parents would be so proud of you, i'm glad you came to talk to me, please be careful."

Minho teared up slightly before saying goodbye. He took a deep breath, he had to do this.


Chans plan had worked out way better than any of them ever expected.

"So, the ones we caught first actually did have drugs in their house. My agents took a drug dog with them on purpose and he started barking like crazy, so we had a reason to get in. Caught em, took em. The other ones had different stuff on their table, we just asked them for an ID to check the files. We only weren't able to get two of them. Both of them had absolutely nothing on their names, clear home and everything-"

Minho interrupted him. "I have the permission of one of the highest members in the french mafia. I will kill them."

The room got silent.

"What?" Jisung asked quietly.

"There is no other way, Hyunjin, I want you to take the two down silently. And you guys-" He pointed to the three agents in front of him. "Will close both of your eyes. Stuff like that happens from time to time here, and we need to take care of it like that. Nobody will find out."

"So that's not the first time this type of betrayal happens?" Changbin asked.

"No, sometimes one group thinks of themselves too highly, they risk and they loose." Minho replied.

"But why?"



"Money is the reason, we exist. Everybody knows it, its a fact. Some can't get enough, they want more and more, and the fame that comes with it."

"Why would they come after you though?"

"My dad was really high in the mafia scene, he and the french got along well, so they built something powerful. Now I am in that position, so i'm the next target."

They stayed quiet, understanding what he meant.

"But like, do you have a huge amount of money hidden somewhere or?" Changbins eyebrows furrowed, and Minho couldn't blame him for being curious. He smiled lightly.

"I help Jeongins family out, make sure Hyunjin, Lix and Seungmin have it well, save some and donate a lot of the rest. No, I don't have money under my mattress if that's what you imagine." Minho giggled.

"Why do you think the local animal shelter made an article about them being able to renovate and making more comfortable homes for the animals because of generous donations." Felix said.

"That was you?" Jisungs voice was full of admiration.

Minho just nodded shyly, looking at his feet.


"You can't be serious, Minho, I can't let you go there alone. You need someone with you." Jisungs voice was stern, he held Minho back by his shoulder.

"No Jisung, I don't want anything to happen to you. This is my problem and I need to solve it now." Gently Minho laid his own hand over Jisungs on his shoulder, intertwining their fingers.

"I can't loose you again Min."

"Oh Hannie, you won't. I know what i'm doing."

"But what if he gets you? What if he knows you're going." Jisung leant forward, bringing their foreheads together to get closer to the man in front of him.

"He knows i'm coming for him, he saw how his last two men got killed. He knows this is my work love, but that doesn't mean he can beat me."

Slowly he brushed with his hand over Jisungs cheek. "Don't worry, i'll be back sooner than you think." Minho connected their lips in a quick peck, smiling against Jisungs chapped ones.

"I'll always worry about you Min."

"You'll grow grey hairs soon like that Hannie."

"What can I say, you just mean that much to me darling."

"You need to stop that." Minho took a step back, bringing his hands to his cheeks to feel the warmth of them. He knew exactly how red they were from that.

When he looked up he saw the smile on Jisungs face, he scowled. "What?"

"You're cute."

"I'll kill you first."

"You couldn't, you love me too much." Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho to kiss him again.

"Maybe I do." Minho giggled into the kiss. Then, even if he didn't want to leave the comfort of Jisungs arms, he left one last kiss on Jisungs lips before fully stepping back and walking towards his car.

"Wait for me Jisungie." He waved, and Jisung waved back.

Jisung looked at the car as it left the driveway, and until it was out of sight.

He took out his phone, opening the timer.

A/N: Hope the time skips were understandable:) Have a great week and remember how much I appreciate you<3

Did anyone get my bad joke? Lmfaoo
Not permission to dance
But to kill
Na Na nanananana

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