Security Cameras

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"There was another murder." The sentence Jisung got greeted with at work as soon as he came into the room.

Jisung sighed, praying inside that it was only something random.

Especially praying it didn't have anything to do with Minho.

"We found the body this morning in a street close to our apartment actually." Changbin sat down, coffee steaming hot in his hands.

"And we need you to get into the security camera to check if we see anything." Chan continued, reaching over the table to take a sip of Changbins coffee.

"Just get your own coffee Chan for fucks sake every time."

"Do you think you can do that Ji?" Chan payed no attention to Changbins comment as he took another sip before setting the cup back on the table.

Jisung reached for his work laptop, leaning back in his chair as it started. "Are you doubting my skills Channie?" Jisung gave him an offended look, chuckling after.

Around them the agents were in their element, people getting assigned their duty of the day. The smell of coffee and fresh pastries from the bakery close to the police department in the air. The board with all of the pictures Jisung had inspected when he was fresh on the case only now had one new face on it.

There was nothing they could connect it with, the record clean except for a few speeding tickets.

As Jisung was typing the room started to clear, only leaving Chan, Changbin and him. Both of them had moved behind Jisung, staring into the screen too.

Then finally it popped up.

Jisung went pale.

He saw himself.

He saw how he was walking home the day before, and after a few seconds another man came into view.

And then a third one, barely noticable as he kept himself hidden in the shadow.

"Switch to the next one." Chan pointed to the screen.

Jisung switched to the next security camera in this street.

Again, one after the other, nothing happening except for the two men following him.

"Ji i'm sorry to say that but they look like they are not random people, they are both following you." Changbin held on to Jisungs shoulder as he watched closer.

"Next one."

"Next one."

Suddenly they heard a ringtone, the third man shuffling. The second man turning to him, and then turning back to continue following Jisung. Jisung watched himself walking, oblivious to the situation happening behind him.

"What is going on there?" Jisung whispered more to himself. They didn't answer anyways.

They saw the third guy pulling the second one out of the view.

All of them held their breaths.

When they came back out of the shadow Jisung wasn't to be seen on the screen anymore.

But Jisung recognized the third guy.

His stomach turned upside down.

He felt Changbins eyes turn to him, staring into his side.

"Zoom in." Chan demanded, already on the way to the computer mouse as Jisung seemed to be frozen. Before he could Jisung snapped out of his daze, zooming in as close as he could.

The sharp features of Minhos face clear. His eyes that felt like home to Jisung glistening dangerously. Jisung knew what it meant. He saw Minho mouth words before dragging the dagger over the guys throat, blood gushing out.

He saw the way Minho kicked him back into the dark, reaching for something on his belt.

"I think I have to throw up." Changbin turned his head down. Jisung held on to Changbins hand that was still on his shoulder.

"What was he mouthing, can you replay that part?" Chan asked.

Jisung replayed.

"Han Jisung."


"No, he said Han Jisung at the end, don't you see it?" Chan connected the dots slowly. "I already thought it has something to do with you."


"Yes Hannie?" Chans voice turned softer as he saw Jisungs pale face.

"That is Minho."

"The one who killed him, by the way." Changbin spoke from the side.


They were silent for a bit, still replaying the same part.

"I think I got it." Changbin said. "Nobody is touching Han Jisung. Now that I see it it's very clear."


"It looks like he protected you Hannie, as much as I hate to say that. The other guy was on your feet the whole time, careless of security cameras or other people around him. Only focused on you. So much that he didn't notice he was followed himself."

"What are you saying with that Chan?"

"This video looks like a warning to me."

Jisung was quiet. He couldn't believe his own eyes. His eyes had lost focus some time ago, staring through the screen. Slowly his throat started closing up, his chest feeling heavier.

Minho killed someone, because of me.

Because of me.

If it weren't for me...

Jisung pushed himself back and got up.

"I get that you're upset-" Changbin started slowly.

But he got interrupted. "He fucking killed someone and said my name, he knew we would see it too. What if anybody else watched this first? Someone who knew me from here? This is making me sick, he killed someone because of me. As if I couldn't take care of myself." Jisung scoffed, anger slowly coursing through his veins.


"I need to talk to him right now." Jisung took his phone off the table, checking if his car keys are in his pocket before starting to walk to the door.

"No you don't, come back here." Chan spoke softly.

Jisung pushed the doorhandle down.

"COME BACK HERE HAN JISUNG!" Chan screamed, his voice echoed through the whole room.

But Jisung was already gone.

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