New beginning, new start. Some take a new day or the end of the year as a beginning, counting from ten, holding their breath, and when they get to zero the sky explodes and instead of stars they see luminous fireworks and hear deafening bangs. They make resolutions about what they will or won't do this year. They are determined to become new person even though deep down they know that nothing has changed. It's a day like any other. You wake up in the morning with a hangover and even though it's a new year and you convince yourself that you are a new person, nothing has changed. The pain will follow you wherever you go. In a different form, in a different shape, but it's always there.
What is your biggest fear?
People are afraid of heights, open spaces, spiders and what comes after death. Personally, I'm afraid of time. I'm afraid I'll never know answers to all my questions. I'm afraid of myself. I can't rationalize my fear, and it's eating me alive. No one will stop time and no one will answer my questions because I'm afraid to ask them. And while I'm afraid of things that others won't think about, I'm not afraid of death. When it comes, I will welcome it, and if it doesn't come soon, I will come to it. I don't know what comes after death. That's probably the only question I'm not afraid of, the only question I don't need an answer to. If I had to pick my biggest fear, it's time. It goes by so fast. It's slipping through my fingers. I don't like going to bed early and I don't like getting up late in the morning because it's a waste of time. I don't like waiting for trains and I don't like listening to teachers talk about things that don't interest me. I don't like talking to people. It's a waste of time. Precious time. Time waits for no one. Still, I'm not afraid of death even thought I know it goes hand in hand with time.
"Chronophobia is a persistent, intense fear of time or of time passing. Sometimes it's known simply as "time anxiety." People with chronophobia might be afraid that their time is running short or that they don't have enough time to accomplish everything they need to do."