I've always been the kind of person who wasn't satisfied with a simple answer. I was looking for the hook in everything and got tired of boring answers. That's why I like questions that catch you off guard and make you think. Questions that everyone has a different answer to.
What is the meaning of life?
The meaning of life or the answer to the question: The answer to the question: "What is the meaning of life?" refers to the meaning of life or existence in general. Some are content to say that it is "part of God's plan." Others see it purely as evolution. I see it as a joke. Whatever the reason I am here, whoever caused my existence, be it my mother , father or god himself, is a cynic. I never asked for it, and so far my life, as you call it, is just misery. I remember one night, I must have been 12, I was lying alone in bed and I was crying so hard I could hardly catch my breath. I don't even know why anymore. And then I remembered how my parents taught me that God loves us and listens to us. And so I began to pray with a simple request. I begged God to relieve me, I begged Him to end my suffering, I begged Him to put me out of my misery. If he loves me so much, why would he let me suffer? I never got an answer, so I decided to intervene. I know I won't live past 20. I guess by the end of the year I'll be nothing. Just a memory. Nothing. And only then, I won't need an answer to my stupid little questions.