Chapter 1

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Lisa POV

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Lisa POV

I have only one motto that I follow.

"Live your life to the fullest"

So I did.

At one point in my life. I realize that If I stop caring what people says then I'll be happy.

People say whatever they want. I mean we are all entitled to our own opinion but it is up to you if you'll let their opinion bothers you.
I tried really hard to do good deeds everyday. I always maintain a positive outlook in life.

I am not named Lisa Manoban for nothing. I try to embody my name.

Last night I gave up my space to an old lady at the shelter and slept outside the alley. The asphalt is a little bit cold but it's still okay.

I went back inside the shelter and wait for my turn for a free toiletries. A rich family regularly donates at this shelter to take care of us and for that I am grateful. After my bath I chose on which dress I will wear.

I have 3 dress and 3 pairs of undergarments. It's better than nothing right?

I wait in line for my porridge and milk then I wait in line again for my turn to wash my clothes.
I ask one volunteer to assist me to wash my clothes because I don't know how to use the washer and the dryer.

I am already 22 but I am still having a hard time using this things. After I fold my clothes. I thank the volunteers individually.

I skip out of the shelter to go to central park.
"Lisa where are you going?" One of the manager of the shelter ask.

I smile at her brightly and replied "To explore!"
"Get your pack lunch in the kitchen. Take care and be safe honey!" Miss Moonbyul said.

"Thank you!" I wave my hand. I got my lunch, placed it inside my ecobag  and starts my journey to central park on foot.

Subway will cost a lot of my non existent money and it's only 30 min to 1 hour walk to the park.
In my 22 years I gave up using the transportation because I can't really read and write properly.
I mean I have to concentrate really really hard to read one word. As for writing I have no patience. I can write but I'd rather not.

I greet everyone that passby good morning. Some greets back but others can not be bothered.
I reach central park and proceeds to go to my favorite spot.

I walk for a while and admire everything. The flowers, the trees, the family that are eating on the grass and even the joggers who's running around the park.

I skip on every tiles on the pavement and I even played "The floor is lava" with the children around me.

I love playing with children. They are so carefree. Their giggles and laughter energize me. I bid them goodbye after a while because it's already lunch time.

I sat down beside a family with 4 older blonde adult, two girls and two boys. I assume that the two older person is their parents.
They have a massive spread of food between them. How much food one person can eat? They are so blessed.

"Hi!" I greet.

Five blonde head and one black looks at me and smiled. "Hello." They greeted back then resume
eating. They're so nice.

I smile at them and brings out the pack lunch that the shelter provided.

It was a square piece of lasagna and a piece of garlic bread. They also pack a bottled water
and Orange juice. I pray to thank God for my lunch.

"Do you want some?" l Ask the beautiful family beside me. The small woman smiled and
said "No Thank you dear. We appreciate it."

"Okay!" I grin.

While I was eating I am again admiring everthing around me. The family beside me clearly
has a tight bond. They talk loud and they laugh a bunch. I want that kind of family. I hope I
have one someday.

I was shock when one of the blonde man with mesmerizing eyes sat in front of me.
she silently gave me a big tupperware.

"For me?" I ask. He nodded.

I gingerly accept the container and opened it. Inside there are lots of different food! I don't
even know some of the names!

I look up wide eyed. "Are you sure this is for me?"

"Yes. So eat up okay?" I nodded immediately.

"Yes sir I will! But can I share it to some of my sheltermates?"

His blonde brow furrow and ask "You stay at the shelter?"

"Yes. Sir. Down the street." I replied proudly.
I saw him look back to his family and they look at me smiling softly.

"of course you can. I'll give you more so that you don't need to share that. okay?" I nodded
eagerly and thank him profusely.

"Oh before I go." she hand me a gold card. Too bad that I can't freaking read it.

"What's this? I am sorry I can't read it." His eyes soften.

"That's my card. My number and office is written below.

I flip the card and admire the beautiful engravement in the card.

"May I know what's your name sir?"
he smiled and replied "Park Seo-joon."

"Well thank you Mr. Park!" he nodded then stand up.

Mr. Park's beautiful family bids me goodbye.

His children and wife told me their names. Miss Min-young his wife, Miss Chaeyoung and
Shin-ye. Sir Bo gum and Hae Jin.

I hope to see them soon.

Hi guys!!! It good to be baaaack!!!😁

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