Chapter 34

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Jennie's POV
It was 3 days after our disastrous Christmas.

I am happy to announced that my daddy did not kill me. I surely thought he will, but he stops when he heard Jisoo begging Uncle Seo-Joon to bring her to Russia or Japan.

I don't know what was wrong with those two countries but daddy runs so fast that I can hear him scolding Jisoo within the inch of his life.

"Jisoo! What the fuck did I say about that atomic bomb project of yours?!" Daddy shouts.

Atomic bomb?


I wake up extra early today.

Today is Lisa and I's first date.

I don't know but I have a gut feeling that I'll get in trouble today.

I took a bath and wear my usual black shirt, pants and sneakers.

Albert already informed me that the bouquet that I ordered already arrived.

I got the Roses bouquet first from Albert before going back to my room to wake up Lisa. I made sure that the roses  was six pieces because six was Lisa's favorite number.

I don't know why

I went to her side and kneel. I place the bouguet behind me so she can not immediately see it once she wakes up.

I lower down the blanket to reveal Lisa's face. I always worried that she'll suffocate because she literally sleeps covered from head to toe under the blanket without any space for air.

I ask her why she sleeps like that and she said the sleep monster will get her if any part of her body was expose while sleeping.

Apparently she's safe if her whole body was inside the cocoon of her blanket.

Lisa's sleeping face was so cute. Her hair was surprisingly still arrange, her mouth was slightly open and a drool was tempting to flow down her chin.

Not on my watch sucker!

I pull out two facial tissues from Lisa's bedside table and gently dab her drool. I check the other side of her mouth and I made sure that I did not miss anything.

I caress her hair. "Precious. Wake up."

No response.

I call her louder this time. "Precious. Wake up."

No reaction.

I kiss her nose lightly and I pull back to see her reaction.

I saw her nose twitch.

Now I know what to do. Okay again.

I kiss her nose again lightly and this time Lisa scrunch her nose.

I did it again expecting a light reaction from Lisa but I was startled when Lisa suddenly tried to swat the air narrowly missing my face.

Thank God for my fast reflex if not, I'll have a red hand print on my cheeks right now

"Oh my lordy! Why do pesky flies fly at this time disturbing my sleep!" Lisa whined.

First I was a dog. Now, I am a pesky fly. In the long run of this relationship, I'll definitely develop a bad case of identity crisis.

"Precious wake up." I called again. Instead of waking up, Lisa rolls down to the other side of the bed.

I run towards to my side of the bed and silently cursing myself for ordering a bigger bed. It took a while before I reach the other side.

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