Chapter 49

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Lisa POV

Uncle Seo-joon placed me safely inside their black car.

Why does Jennie's family love black cars?

I was surprised when Bo gum sat on the driver's seat while Hae Jin sat on the passenger seat while Uncle Seo-joon sat beside me at the back.

"You don't have Mr. Hulks to drive you around?" I ask.

"Nope. We can drive by ourselves thank you very much." Bo gum replied.

"I am not that wanted like Soo-hyun you know. If I don't love Soo-hyun, I'd already set the police on his ass." Uncle Seo-joon added.

"Pfft.. As if papa. They are all under Uncle Soo-hyun payroll" Hae Jin said.

"True. You see what I'm dealing with Lili?" Uncle Seo-joon said.

Again. In a true Lisa fashion. I just nodded even if I did not understand anything.

"Aww you're so sweet!" Uncle Seo-joon exclaimed then he hugged me tightly.

"Where to Pa?" Bo gum ask.

Uncle Seo-joon glares at the back of the head of Bo gum.

"You meant to tell me you've been driving all this time with no destination in mind?!" Uncle Seo-joon said.

"Yeps." Bo gum replied cheekily.

"You're just like your mother."

"I'll tell mama." Bo gum countered.

"I am just joking Bo gum!" Uncle Seo-joon immediately replied.

"Anyway let's go to the shop where Chaeyoung went whenever she buys clothes."

"That's a lot. Saint Laurent, Balmain, Gucci, Versace, Chanel, LV, Moschino-'
Uncle Seo-joon cuts off Hae Jin."Whatever is the nearest then we'll go from there."

We arrived at a mall and a suited man opened our door.

"This is called Valet, Lisa."

"Wow same name as me." I said.

"No. No. Only Valet sweetheart."

"Oh. Sorry." I replied sheepishly.

Uncle Seo-joon went out of first then he assisted me to go out.

I notice that all of the male in Jen Jen's family are like that. They literally follow the saying "ladies first".

I am flanked with Hae Jin and uncle Seo-joon on both sides while Bo gum was following us.
These 3 dudes are literally turning heads. One poor woman even hit a pillar because she's not paying attention.

I even ran to help her get up and she embarrassingly accepted my help.

"Next time ma'am don't stare it's rude you know and look where you are going. God gave us eyes for a reason you know. " I told her sweetly.

Once I am sure that she's okay, I run back to Uncle Seo-joon.

"Did you hear what she said Hae Jin?" Bo gum said while holding his laugh.

"She basically insult that woman in a nice fucking way." Hae Jin snickeringly replied.

"My God. Jennie's attitude rubs off on Lisa." Uncle Seo-joon added.

I don't even try to comprehend what they are talking about.

I just walked inside the nearest store.

My three kidnappers catch up with me.

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