Chapter 2

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Jennie POV

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Jennie POV

"Ms. Kim your meeting at 10am-"

My secretary Kai, continues to inform me of all my meetings and agendas for today.

One thing running in my mind.

I'm hungry.

I roll back my chair to get my pack lunch.

Yes. I have a pack lunch that my mommy lovingly prepared for me. She did not cook it but she arranged it.

It's the thought that counts.

My secretary was not deterred when I started munching on my granola bar.

He's used to it.

When he finished enumerating my 15 meetings for today. Not waiting for any reply, He wished me a good morning and went out of my office.

Not a minute goes by, my office door opened and my 5'5 feet tall youngest brother Taehyung walked in.

Taehyung is 18 and he's freshman in Columbia for engineering minor in robotics.

I arch my eyebrow when I saw him holding his own lunch box and stop in front of my desk.

It's still 9am. Why is he here? Are we eating early lunch?

"Your granola is honey and oats? No fair!" He whines. He opened his lunch box and showed me his regular boring flavor granola.

"Jen give me some!" Taehyung demanded.

I look at him blankly and took another bite of my granola bar.

I peer inside my bag and saw another piece of honey oats granola.

I throw it on Taehyung's head. He did a victory dance and kissed my cheek.

His victory was short-lived when my office opened and Jisoo, my 5'3 foot 3rd sister walked in. She's 20 and in her final year of Chemistry and IT course. She's also holding her own lunch bag.

Jisoo's eyes widen when she saw the granola that I gave Taehyung a while ago.

"Exchange!" Jisoo shouted.

"No!" Taehyung exclaimed. Like a bunch of toddlers, they run around my office while I polish off my second granola.

My office opened again and Hanbin walked in. What the hell's happening? He's supposed to be interning at the hospital. If you didn't catch it he's in medical school. My 2nd brother whos 5'7 inch tall and can pass as mom's twin. He saw our 2 younger siblings running around so he fucking joined them.

At this point I am not even surprise when my office opened for the fourth time and this time it's daddy.

He took one look at my running siblings and coincidentally we both sigh.

"Hanbin, Jisoo and Taehyung!" Daddy said in an even voice. My siblings comically stop in their track. Jisoo even almost topple over.

"Daddy" Hanbin greets "Yo!" Jisoo salutes dad. "Dude!" Taehyung cheekily said. All of my brothers kissed dad cheeks.

As for me I nodded from my seat then stand up to kiss dad also on his cheek.

Dad pat my back and he gave us a kiss in the head, still the same greeting when we were younger.

"Why are you running like a bunch of 3-year-olds? What are the 3 of you doing here? Hanbin, you have duty at the hospital, right? Jisoo, don't tell me I need to repair another wing of Columbia and you Taehyung? I swear to God if you're skipping your class no dessert for 1month!"

Taehyung dramatically gasp.

"l am not skipping class daddy I swear on my banana chocolate chip cheesecake! I already
passed all the projects this semester so l am just chilling."

Is that our dessert for tonight?

Focus Jennie. Stop thinking about food.

Wait. He finished everything? Its only 3 months in the semester. Impressive.

It's nothing compared to me. Within a month I finish the whole year worth of projects, modules and assignments. That's why I finish college, masters and PHd in less than 4 years.

Am I bragging?

l am definitely bragging.

Back to my father, scolding my siblings.

"Dear Father. I would like to happily inform you that l did not destroy anything yet. Maybe tomorrow if I feel like it." Jisoo explains. Daddy looked at Hanbin and waited for his reasoning "My professor gave me a morning break that's why l am here."

"Your hospital is 45 minutes away from here."

"I use the chopper."Hanbin nonchalantly replied.

Daddy looks up to the ceiling and sigh. He's waiting for some kind of divine intervention.

"They are chasing each other because they are arguing about one granola." I further explained.

Daddy looks at me then he asks Taehyung to give him the granola bar.

Taehyung like the dramatic ass he is was teary eyed when he gave it to daddy.

It was so funny seeing our dad getting a ruler and equally dividing the bar in to three. He broke the bar precisely and distribute it to my brothers.

"Happy?" Dad deadpanned. The three idiots nodded, happily munching their granola.

"Can we have our lunch now?"

Daddy looks at his expensive watch and saw it was too early for lunch.

Dad and l look at each other and sigh for the Nth time.

The three idiots left with dad after scolding them. Daddy never gets angry at us. Irritated?

Yes? But Mad? No.

I am currently in a meeting with a possible business venture. The client's proposal is impressive but I don't like his secretary. She keeps on showing her cleavage as If l'll be impressed.

Have some respect for yourself woman! I did not say it of course. She'll get offended then in a blink of an eye I'l be in front of the newspaper saying I am sexist.

My parents especially my dad will kill me if I disrespect anyone without any valid reason.

Once the meeting ended the client waits for my response but l just nodded. Kai saw my look and swiftly guide the client out of my office and explain that we'll call them within this day.

I change out of my suit since all my meetings are finished and wear my black hoodie.

I'm off to Central Park to destress.

Good day loves!😊

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