Chapter 3

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Lisa POV

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Lisa POV

As soon as I arrived at the shelter, I hand the extra food that Sir Soo-Hyun gave me to the older people who are staying at the shelter.

Half of the food in my container, I shared it to the volunteers. It's not much but at least for a time our stomachs are not empty.

I kept the calling card that sir Soo-Hyun gave me inside the secret pocket of my Eco bag. I need it safe because I might use it in the future.

I opt out of my dinner and decided to have an early night. I prayed and thank God of everything. I also included the safety of sir Soo-Hyun's family in my prayer.

I always sleep lightly. Living on the streets since I was 14 made you cautious. You never know who's lurking around you.

I went in line for the bathroom and help one elderly woman to wash her hair because her joint pain was acting up.

After my turn I ate my breakfast. This time it's some kind of corn cereal and chocolate drink. I freaking love chocolate!

Miss Moonbyul gave me my packed lunch and as usual I walked to central park.

I greet the policeman who was always on duty at this time.

"Hi! Mr. Policeman!"

"Good morning Lisa! Come on. I'll help you cross the road."

I did not pass that chance. I am honestly afraid of crossing the road.

I thank him again and continue my journey to the park.

I admire the high rise building around me.

One building really stands out. It's black and surrounded by steel. It's so high. I wonder, If I am on the roof of this building can I touch the clouds?

I stop walking when I saw a group of people exercising with some upbeat music.

I got so excited and run towards them.

I put down my ecobag beside me and proceeds to follow the instructor. I don't know how many minutes I am doing this; I only know that I got tired in the end.

I am skinny already. I don't think I need this kind of exercise.

After exercising I went in my usual spot.

I looked around and see if I can recognize some of the people here. I only recognize the female jogger who always runs around at this time.

The children are not here. I think they are at school.


After a while, I got hungry and open my lunch. It's some kind of ham and cheese sandwich with a side of potato salad and KitKat!


While I was eating, I notice a woman sitting alone on one of the bench.

She's wearing a black hoodie and black pants.

From my view she looks kind a tall. Like volleyball player tall.

The whole time, she's just sitting there. She's not even looking around her. She's just looking at the ground.


I finish my lunch and decided to go back to the shelter since my playmates did not arrive.

On the way home, I pet some of the cute animals that I pass by. Of course, l ask permission from their owners.

I love animals. I want to take care of one but I can't. I mean I can't even support myself, how much more if l have a pet.

For 2 consecutive weeks I always saw her.

Ms. Hoodie.

She's only doing the same thing every freaking day.

Stare at the ground.

When she walked away, I even went to her spot to look at the ground to see if there's any interesting things to see on the grass.


She's really weird.

Is she a loner?

My heart hurts for her and I don't even know her!

She needed a friend.

I'll be her friend

I decided.

A woman needs a friend or two. I'll ask her to be my friend when I see her again.

Unfortunately, the following week I did not see her. I got worried.

Is she okay?

That night I added her in my prayer, joining sir Seo-Joon's family.

Yey! I am praying for 2 people already. Progress!

The next week I unexpectedly saw her walking to her bench. I got excited! I straighten my dress and fix my blonde hair.

I look at my dusty feet enclosed by my 3-year-old flipflops? Would she mind if l appeared like this?

I'll never know if I don't try right?

I took a deep breath and start to go to her, but I stop in my tracks.

Wait. How do you ask someone to be your friend?

I walk back and look at the tree behind me. I start to rehearse.

"Hiyi! Can you be my friend?"

Nope too straight forward.

"Hey how are you? The sky's blue right?"

Nu uh. Too weird.

"Wassup yo! Where is the love?"

Cringy. I Sigh. I am hopeless.

I roam my eyes around and a bright idea comes to my mind.

I hope my mission will be a success. If it is, then I will have my first official friend in my 22 years of beautiful life.

I went to the bush with some colorful flowers. I pick the biggest one.

Here goes nothing!


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