This Pain (C) Samara Crawford

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Hands over my heart, it's beating like a bomb
How fitting, knowing that you could make it explode
At any given moment, any hour of any day
You could say those words and make me smile once again

But this isn't a dream, more like a nightmare
Those words from your beautiful mouth
Spit fire and hate into my head
Until I've learnt to not love myself
Like you don't love me

I feel so empty, like nothing, like a black hole in space
The only other feelings I get are anger, sadness or pain
I can't live like this, it's physically exhausting to me
How can my heart still be beating if it's in a million pieces?

My heart was like steel metal, locked in an iron room
Inside a world of bedrock and obsidian
But somehow you broke through it all
And you melted the ice around my eyes so my tears could run free again

My body is in pain from carrying around my emotions
Keeping it bottled up inside is neither healthy nor fun
But I have to do this to protect myself from you
Because I let it out once and I won't do that again

I close my eyes slowly and picture your face
Dark hair, beautiful storm eyes, mouth that makes me smile
And I honestly can't imagine he hurt I've put there in your eyes
I am so sorry, my nephilim, my love, please forgive me one day,
Because I know what it's like to feel pain, and you have never deserved the pain I've caused you

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