Prologue (Part-1)

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"Yaara tere sadke
Ishq sikha main toh aayi jag tajh ke
Ishq sikha

Main toh yaara tere sadke
Main toh aayi jag tajh ke
Ishq sikha

"Hello, Monami Mahajan speaking, Doctor Deepak Mahajan's daughter." Fourteen-year-old Her started, taking a deep breath to stabilize her nerves, as the woman on the other end, emitted out a noise of surprise, before continuing, "Yes, yes, the very same! Anyways, I just wanted to confirm if my father has any free time in between his appointments, today. No, no! You don't need to inform him about anything. Yes, just get me an appointment of about 2 in the afternoon, if it's possible! It's done? Wow, thank you so much, Miss! Have A Good Day!" 

"What did he say, hmm? No free time available due to back-to-back appointments?" Her best bombarded her with questions, the moment she returned from the adjoining balcony of her room, shaking his leg in nervous anticipation. 

"Surprisingly not! He is free, Sid, free! The appointment is scheduled for 2 today! Oh gosh, I have to ask Radha Aunty to give me freshly cleaned laundry! I can't show up in Dad's office, in these shorts and shirt, he will throw me out, even before listening to me, for sure! And then, all my dreams will fizzle out and-" But before she could continue her rambling, Sid let out a loud cheer of joy, whooping as he engulfed her in a gigantic hug, before jumping up and down on the bed, flailing his hands wildly, in the air, in sheer delight. 

"Finally... Monu bro, you are finally, going to own up to your dreams, to your ambitions in front of that sadu walnut! Damn, had Juhi Aunty, not gone on some urgent mission today, she would have patted you on the back in that sensibly wise way of hers, before pecking you softly on the forehead, to encourage you! But anyway, I am gonna wish you luck from both of our sides! Go, rock and roll, best friend, show the world you are super cool, super brave Sid G's bestie!" He shrieked in delight, before wishing her all the luck in the world, and giving her a fist bump, in hopes of boosting her morale.

"Haha, Now is not the time to act funny, Sid! We all know, who's the cool one here, so don't bother arguing! Anyways, It's 12:30 already, and I don't want to be late, so I'm going to start dressing up just now only! Yes, that's a wonderful idea! Shoo, Sid, off you go! Lemme change in peace!" And with that she pushed him out of the room, before letting out a sigh, as she unhatched the locket which she always wore on her neck, to stare lovingly at her mother's picture.

"Mumma, I know, I can't call you today and listen to your soothing voice, since you are on a top-secret mission, but, still I know your blessings are always with me! Give me strength, Ma, I am literally going face-to-face with the Devil!"

"Ready, bro? Can I come now? I have already asked Daddy G's driver to give us a lift to the hospital! Shall we leave?" Her best friend's voice came from outside the door.

"Jeez, Sid, have some patience! And what do you mean by 'we'? You are coming with me?" She asked, after a moment, as she stumbled through her haphazard stack of clothes, to find something presentable, before letting out a small shout of victory, at having found the perfect outfit.

"Of course, I am coming, Monu! What kind of question is that? Albeit, I won't go inside, since you know, this is something between you, father-and-daughter duo, but still, there's no law stopping me from sitting out at the reception, to give my best friend, support and positive vibes, hmm?"

"You are right, I guess!" Her reply, was a tad bit late and wobbly, as her voice filled with emotion, and happiness, at his genuine concern for her, before she steeled herself, once again, and opened the door to let herself out, bidding adieu to her mother's photograph in the process.

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