One Of These Days

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None of this is actually from the anime or directly related to anything, I just felt like posting it here. Plus, I swear this is gonna happen one of these days.

>Interview about Ash's Achievements<

Ash:And there's also the Orange Islands-

Interviewer:The what?

Ash:The Orange Islands. They're right off the coast of Kanto.

Interviewer:There's never been any islands off of the coast of Kanto.

Ash:There are the Orange Islands. Besides, Tracey, Professor Oak's assistant is from there.

Interviewer:But Professor Oak doesn't have an assistant.

Ash:Yes he does, we can go visit.


Ash:Hey Professor, where's Tracey?


Ash:Tracey. Your assistant?

Oak:I've never had an assistant...?


Ash:Hey Mom, where's my Orange Islands trophy?

Delia:Your what?

Ash:The trophy I got for beating the Orange League in the Orange Islands that used to sit on the TV?

Delia:There was never a trophy. And besides, what are the Orange Islands?


Ash:Where did I catch my Snorlax?


Ash, having a mental breakdown:no... the orange islands...

Everyone:the what? never heard of them.

Ash:they're an island chain by Kanto.

Everyone:There's never been an island chain by Kanto.


Can we have a Journeys ep. set in the Orange Islands?

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