The Mockingjay Returns

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After this thought crosses my mind I run as fast as I could to find Plutarch to go home abandoning the hunting that I had once thought I would do. I have to go home. I run and run getting faster as I am approaching the entrance to District 13, many people still view me as the crazy girl that killed Coin so why would they let me home? I get the occasional glance off someone but I am used to it now.

After 5 minutes of navigating through the halls of District 13 I find Plutarch  chatting to someone about getting sent home to their District, great someone has beat me to it.

"Plutarch I have to talk to you" I whisper hoping that he would hear.

"One moment please" he says to the person who look slightly familiar but I can't figure it out.

"Yes?" he asks.

"I have to go home Plutarch, I need to see District 12 again and living here is a constant reminder of the war. I just really like to go home"  I plead.

"Yeah, ok but we have to arrange weekly phone calls to Dr Aurelius to ensure that you haven't lost your mind." he chuckles but I don't react.

That's it I can go home, I wish I could feel some excitement but instead I feel nothing. I should be happy I'm going home but the war has scarred me for life. That is when I think of Peeta, he will never be himself.

"Katniss, the Hovercraft leaves at 9am I suggest you start packing." I hear Plutarch say before he can say anything else I make my way back to my compartment. My mother went to District 4 after Prim died it was too much for her to handle going home or living here to see Prim's clothes would set her off again so I stay here on my own. As I am packing I glance over to the other compartments where I find the Hawthorne family but not with Gale, he got a job in District 2 after the war and left immediately. That was almost 3 months ago and I haven't heard from him since but I don't want to after Prim died I couldn't look at him again without seeing Prim blow up in front of my eyes, I can feel myself crying at the thought.

One more night that's all I have to last in this room. It's 10pm, lights out. This is the moment I dread all day.  The nightmares come and I wake up but nothing these doctors can do to fix me. This dream was a little different to others though, I see Peeta.

"Peeta" I shout but I get no reply

"Peeta" I say once more that's when I see him, his eyes dark as night and I know what's happening. He is charging towards me now like an animal getting it's prey. I try to run, I'm screaming now and that's when he grabs me, I wake up. The tears stream down my face as I think of what he has become.

8:30am and I'm ready to leave I say my last goodbyes and board the Hovercraft hoping that something or someone can help me.

I arrive at District 12, my home town to find workers furiously working away to fix the hob that was once there. As me and the other District 12 citizens step off the Hovercraft I feel the sense of belonging, I navigate my way through the busy streets until I reach Victors Village but it is not called that anymore as everyone just wants to forget the past 75 years. I see many families move in around my home but no one moves into mine, Haymitch's or Peeta's, wait I thought he was in the capitol, never to return but that's when I see him walk out his house and we look at each other for the first time in months. 

Hey everyone, thank you for reading. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Updates will be every Saturday if everything goes well.

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