Two: the break in

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***the next day***

"Can you just not kill eachother for five minutes?" Dick grabbed the sword from Damian with a frown.

"He started it!" Jason shouted.

"Yeah right Todd!" Damian growled. Dick sighed.

"You know what, I'm the hell does Alfred expect me to take care of you idiots? I have work to do." Dick sat down and pulled out files to work on. "I took two weeks off of work for this..."

"What cases do we have?" Jason walked over and sat down. Dick immediately slapped his hand over the files and slammed the laptop shut.

"Oh no. No. No. No. No. No." Dick looked at the three in front of him. "I am not bringing you three out of Gotham."

"Come on!" Damian whined.

"You sound like an actual child Damian good job." Dick rolled his eyes. "The answer is still no. Besides these guys are already caught I'm just filling out the paperwork to make sure they don't get set free at all."

"Who's this secret file on then?" Damian lifted a black folder up and Dick sighed.

"Ever heard the word privacy Dami?" Dick asked as he snatched the folder, only for Tim to snatch it.

"Who's X-4?" He asked.

"Someone you don't need to know." There was a crash and dick looked at the younger three. "Stay." He stood up and walked towards the living room where the noise was coming from. "Hello? You chose the wrong place the break into I hope you know this-." Someone covered his mouth and dick flipped them over his shoulders. "CAVE NOW! FUCKING GO!" Dick ran towards the kitchen screaming. He was grabbed from behind and he tried flipping the person again but they brought him to his knees and yanked his arms behind his back.

"Too late for that, we got that entrance covered." Dick looked up and saw his brothers being dragged into the hallway by masked men. "That file, you shouldn't have it Grayson." Dick scowled.

"And why do you care? How the hell did you even find me here!?" A women stepped in front of dick.

"I have my ways, and Grayson?" Dick looked at her angrily. "Would you stop struggling."

"Never." She laughed.

"Trying to get yourself killed then?" She asked. Dick looked at the younger three.

"Are you three alright?" Dick asked.

"And there's his weakness!" She laughed as she twirled a knife in her hands. "Didn't even have to drag it out of him...that's boring." She threw the knife and it landed in Tim's leg.

"TIM!" dick struggled against whoever was holding him.

"Now, Grayson I'm not playing very nice, nor will I ever play very nice, so tell me what you know about me or I will kill them one by one and make it slow and painful right here right now." Dick looked at the folder.

"I don't know shit! Now let them go this is between us not them."

"Actually; I think it will benefit you boys if you did some bonding exercises." Dick looked at the other three. Jason was being held back by a crowbar holding fucker. Damian was being held back by like three men. Dick then looked at Tim. He looked pale. he was more concerned than ever that he got them involved.

"Just leave them be I'll go with you." Dick looked worriedly at Tim.

"Don't be fooled Dick, we know your brothers." She laughed as she played with Tim's hair. "We aren't letting them go if that's what you want us to do, you crossed us and we don't take that very lightly."

"Please he needs a medic!" Dick shouted.

"I-I'm fine." Tim weakly replied.

"Drake You are bleeding out!" Damian shouted. Tim rolled his eyes.

"I'll be-." Before he could finish the sentence he collapsed to the ground.

"TIM!" Damian knocked the men away from him and ran over to him. "come on Drake this isn't funny!" Tears started flowing down Damian's face.

"Fuck!" Jason knocked the man who was holding him away and ran over to Tim as well. He placed his ear to his chest and then pulled away placing his hand on his neck. He looked up at dick. "Kill her, or I fucking will."

"Don't worry he isn't dead, yet. His hearts beating just not as normal as it should. He can and will wake." She smirked. "But, only if you all drink up." She handed them each a glass and Damian huffed.

"What game are you playing? You killed our brother you bitch!" She stepped closer to Damian but Jason blocked her.

"Just drink up boys." Jason quickly drank it and Dick looked at Damian nodding. Dick drank his but before Damian could drink his own cup she took it from him. "That's not for little boys~" dick and Jason both looked at eachother as they collapsed to the ground.


Damian screamed as he stood to his feet. His brothers were just knocked out, or killed and this women whoever she is wanted him awake and aware of whatever she was doing. She stepped over Jason and suddenly shoved Damian into the wall. He hissed in pain when his back hit the wall.

"What the hell are you playing at!? Let me go!" She played with his hair and giggled.

"We all know the tough guy act is just that, an act. You are just a scared little boy. Stop with the dramatics Damian." She looked him up and down. "I do hope this works, because honestly seeing those twos faces when they see this memory play back is going to be the best revenge yet." Damian's eyes widened.

"Touch me, in any sort of way I will cut you up so help me..."

"You can't fight back." She purred in his ear. "You don't want me to kill them do you?" She asked. Damian growled.

"You wouldn't hurt me!" He kicked her in the shins and ran away attempting to wake dick again. "C-Come on please any of you..."

"Dami?" Tim sat up slowly and Damian immediately ran over to him.

"Shit shit shit..." damian looked at the bloody leg and then at their capture. "Can you-"

"Damian, unless you want to hear every second of your brothers screams, I do suggest you cover your ears." Damian shook his head.

"What have you done!?" He held onto Tim and Tim looked horrified at the women before them.

"I've done what is necessary, Dick here has put you all in danger for not responding to a simple question." She limped her way over and Tim held tightly to Damian.

"I'm not letting you touch him!" She walked closer to them and Tim protectively put Damian behind him.

"Like you can stop me." She got closer and leaned forward. "You won't wake for a few hours." Tim looked confused at Damian and then back at the women.

"What do you mean?" She blew some pink dust into his face and he slumped down into Damian's lap. Damian screamed.


"Now, where were we?" She picked Damian up and he kicked and scratched her as she dragged him away from his brothers and to his bedroom upstairs.

"NO!" He struggled against her terrified. While he may have been raised by assassins, this was the most terrifying thing he's ever been dealt with. He would prefer dealing with the clown than this women! They reached his bedroom and she dragged him over to his bed throwing him down. She snapped her fingers and a chain grew from over at the wall. She stood and walked over dragging it towards the bed smiling when it reached his ankle. He tried to pull away but she dragged him back to the end of the bed and snapped it onto his ankle.

"This should keep you down for awhile." She giggled. "Now, be a good boy." She crawled into the bed and he attempted to move away from her but she threw him back down. He was strong so he attempted to hold back his fear as she sat above him, legs straddling either side of his body. This wasn't going to end well was it?

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