Five: the second mind

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Tim looked around seeing all the doors and he immediately swore under his breathe. He booked it through the hallway of doors trying to find any evidence that he wasn't alone in whoever's mind this was when he saw a flash of light and ran towards it. He froze. One of the doors was playing back a memory of him taking pictures of Batman and Robin. He looked around him and tears filled his eyes. He was alone in his own mind? How the fuck was he going to get out by himself!? It took all three of them to even get out of Jason's mind...

"Tim!" Tim looked up and when he saw dick running towards him he ran over to his brother and hugged him.

"We need to get out of here! What the hell did she do!? How are we-how are we in my mind!?" Tim ranted. Dick shrugged.

"I don't know..." dick looked at the images in the doors playing and the back at Tim. "Jesus kid you are a super stalker aren't you?"

"Oh shut it." Tim folded his arms across his chest. They walked around and looked for a way out when they ran into Jason. "Please for the love of-" Jason pulled him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered. They pulled away and Tim shook his head.

"I don't want to know what memory you saw to make you act like that..." they continued to walk and Tim looked at the two of them. "Just stop touching the doors, and focus on trying to get out. I don't even know how she managed to get us back in..." Tim's eyes widened. "Oh fuck you don't think she'd go after damian again do you!?" Jason's eyes widened.

"FUCK!" He shook as he stomped around trying to find anyway out. "Fuck! Fuck!" Tim saw Jason start to cry. "This can't be happening oh my god no...he was traumatized when I found him last time we can't just...fuck..."

"Hey calm down, it's okay." Tim smiled sadly. "Damians strong enough to hold himself together until we find a way out."

"I hope you are right." Jason mumbled.


"No! Because all I will ever be to him is a fucking replacement!" Tim shook his head as he closed the laptop and looked at Alfred. "Why should I bother going to go wish him a happy birthday?"

"Master Tim-"

"Listen Alfred, I know you love us with all your heart but this is one relationship that can not be fixed, alright? He doesn't fucking care about me. Nobody actually gives a shit that I'm here so I'm just going to do as I said, I'm leaving."

"No you aren't." Damian scoffed. Tim looked over at him.

"When did you even get there?" Tim asked.

"You do realize that he does actually care about you right? It's not something Todd takes very lightly." Damian actually smiled. "He won't admit it to anyone but he does love you."

"You read his diary didn't you?" Tim asked. Damian chuckled as held up Tim's.

"I also read yours, you two definitely do not know how to hide your things." Tim snatched the diary and rolled his eyes.

"Dude invasion of privacy much!?" Alfred walked out and Damian sighed.

"I'm sorry, it's just you and Todd have both been so distant lately I had to figure out why and I didn't want to just ask you..." Tim sat with damian.

"Why not?" Tim asked.

"Because I thought you both hated me." Tears fell down Damian's cheeks. "Turns out you actually don't..." Tim laughed and held his brother in his arms.

"Of course I don't, I never will."

Tim closed the door to that memory and looked up at Jason. "I told you not to touch the doors you don't listen do you?"

"Sorry..." the boys continued to walk through the hallways. Jason was drawn to one of the doors and he looked at Tim curiously. Tims eyes widened.

"DONT TOUCH IT!" Jason shrugged but suddenly realized he accidentally kicked it with his foot, and the door opened. His eyes widened and he looked at Tim shocked. Tim stepped back. "Jason-"

"Why didn't you tell me about that?" Jason asked quickly. "And neither of you bullshit me with the 'we didn't want you to freak out' response because clearly, I'm calm but I'm livid Bruce let that happen!" Dick looked away.

"He called me, he knew it would hurt us." Dick looked at Tim. "A-and it took awhile to get our Tim back. You weren't anywhere's kind of hard to call a dead man."

"You know about my past Tim...why didn't you come to me?" Jason asked. He knelt in front of his brother who burst into tears.

"I-I couldn't okay?!" Tim looked at dick and then frustration took over and he dragged Jason towards a open door. ""

***a few months after the incident with Joker Junior*** (AN that's what the video attached to this chapter is, it's the incident with joker junior if you have no clue what that is: if you wanted to see the rest of that scene just look up joker junior on YouTube ((warning yah it's graphic)) enjoy the rest of this shit show!)

"Bruce I'm not going to just pretend you didn't have to fight to get me back...m-maybe Jason could help?" Tim held the coffee cup and looked down at the black coffee. Bruce slammed his hand down making Tim jump.

"I told you no Tim, even dick doesn't know about-well about that. You can't tell them okay?" Tim stood up.

"Fuck you Bruce." Tim went to walk away but Bruce grabbed his arm.


"No! Okay, no." Tim held his arms to his chest. "I have nightmares about that all the fucking time Bruce. I can't tell my own brothers why? I fucking killed him Bruce! I fucking have that clowns blood on my hands okay!? Not Jason, not you. Me. I murdered the damn clown and-and I need to talk about it but you won't let me!"

"Timothy!" Bruce grabbed his arm harshly. Tim shrugged him off and let tears flow down his cheeks.

"No Bruce! No! Okay!? I'm done! I can't keep hiding this they need to know!" Bruce scowled.

"No, they don't need to know and if you even try to tell them I'll lock your ass back up in Arkham understand me?" Tims eyes widened and he stepped back from Bruce in shock.

"Yo-you'd actually...." Tim started crying as his shoulders dropped and he bit his lip. "Fine." He stormed out of the kitchen and to his bedroom, accidentally crashing into Jason.

"Watch it replacement." Tim apologized as he walked into his room and slammed the door shut collapsing to the ground. He had nobody to talk to about this.

***end of memory***

"It was you?" Jason turned to face Tim who looked about ready to curl into himself. Jason got down to eye level with Tim and held his arms open for a hug. Tim stared for a moment before rushing into his arms. "I'm so sorry he told you not to talk."

"When we get out, I promise you Tim, I promise you we will listen more okay?" Dick said as he joined the hug.

"We will stop at nothing to make sure you are okay." Jason pulled away and smiled wiping Tim's tears. "Now let's bust out of this bitch."

AN also it's been awhile since I have even touched a comic book or even tv show about like any superhero because I've been busy so a lot of this was just made up on the spot. Joker junior happened in the Batman Beyond series if any of you didn't know where that came from. I'm sorry the chapter was so short and it took me forever to update but I hope you enjoyed anyways!

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