One More Dance Won't Ruin Anything (Unless It Ruins Everything)

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November 9, 1996
"Weasley cannot save a thing," she hummed to herself, curving her broom in a wide circle to avoid Ginny Weasley. She flew to the beat of the song, which was now obsolete with McLaggen as their keeper. It still had a nice rhythm to it and she swerved through the chaos to the tune of Weasley slander. "He cannot block a single ring." She sent her broom into a nosedive to dodge Dean Thomas flying her way. "That's why the Slytherins sing..."

A bludger nearly hit her face, but Crabbe was instantly in front of her, his beater bat swinging it away. "Thanks Vince."

Uruquhart was stationed lower than her near the hoops and she allowed the quaffle to slip from her arms and fall straight into his. McLaggen, who had been watching her weave through his atrocious team with hawk eyes, was not prepared for Uruhart to make the goal.

Slytherin cheered.

Vaisley's replacement for the match, since he was injured in practice, was a scrawny third year who was more of a burden than an asset. Urquhart only begrudgingly worked with her. Their Keeper, a fourth year, was dogshit. Crabbe and Goyle were bickering about something nearly the whole match.

And then there was Harper. Annoying, cocky fifth year Harper as their seeker.

She just needed to set up fourteen more goals, minimum, and they would be done. She watched Ginny with the quaffle, waiting for her opening, and dived down from above.

"Don't mind me," she said as she kicked the side of the quaffle from Ginny's arms.

"Hyacinth," the ginger shouted as Urquhart caught the quaffle from the other side and zoomed away. "What the-"

She followed after her teammate with a grin. He tossed the quaffle back to her when she was open; he was being pelted by the Bludgers and neither Goyle or Crabbe made it in time to save him. Hyacinth took the ball gladly and lined it up with the leftmost hoop. She reared her arm back like she was going to throw it but let it slip from her hands instead. When it fell in height with her foot she kicked it like a football toward the rightmost goal. McLaggen shifted mid-block, trying to save it but he was too late. Another-

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch!"

"Already? We've only been playing for five minutes!"

She left the field as Urquhart yelled at pretty much anyone nearby. Vince jogged after her. "Hyacinth! I was thinking we could have a pity party in the Common Room. Pansy could find the booze and we could put on some music?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Her eyes found Goyle in the distance, who glared at Crabbe. She didn't know what was going on with them. Her eyes darted up to the stands that the Slytherins filed out of. Draco hadn't even come. "You don't have any babysitting?"

"No, not tonight. Which is why I thought we could go to the common room and have a good time."

Feels like a trap.

"Sure, let me shower first."

She went into the girls locker room, Crabbe waving at her as the door swung closed. Instead of showering, she grabbed her knapsack and promptly exited the back door that led back to the castle. It would probably be twenty minutes before he realized she wasn't in the locker room. That was plenty of time.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Draco's name was nowhere to be found. That meant she knew exactly where he was; she watched the map over the last week well enough to have his schedule down. "Mischief managed."

She was panting by the time she made it up the seven flights of stairs. She paced the door once, twice, three times.

I need the room he hiding in.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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